Battle System - Cheesy?

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Well, I haven't actually taken part in a battle yet but I think I might dislike this new system a lot. It seems to me that it is kind of cheesy. It remings of like a Pokemon or yu-gi-oh site where you can scan cards and battle.

I rhought this site was really good but tat battle update really killed it for me. I don't have a camera therefor I can not participate however, I have read descriptions on it and it sounds way to corny for my liking.

Besides, If they keep spending all their time on useless 1 on 1's and updating the Battle System, then when will they ever have time to actually work on the Wire.

My Theory11 bashing moment is over. I wish to apologize to the staff. I really do appreciate the site but I just needed to share my feelings on this subject.
Anyway, no offents to anyone.

Dylan P.
Sep 1, 2007
Well, I haven't actually taken part in a battle yet but I think I might dislike this new system a lot. It seems to me that it is kind of cheesy. It remings of like a Pokemon or yu-gi-oh site where you can scan cards and battle.

I rhought this site was really good but tat battle update really killed it for me. I don't have a camera therefor I can not participate however, I have read descriptions on it and it sounds way to corny for my liking.

Besides, If they keep spending all their time on useless 1 on 1's and updating the Battle System, then when will they ever have time to actually work on the Wire.

My Theory11 bashing moment is over. I wish to apologize to the staff. I really do appreciate the site but I just needed to share my feelings on this subject.
Anyway, no offents to anyone.

Dylan P.

I kind of agree with you. Plainly, I just won't participate. I don't have any motivation to "compete" with anyone, especially when it comes to magic or flourishing... how does being better than one particular person advance my magic? i do understand that if challenged, you may feel motivated to create something original, which is good, but it would be sad if a "battle" would be what it takes to get you working hard.

Apr 28, 2008
It seems like a good idea to me, although only for flourishing. I think magic battles are a stupid idea.

Besides, If they keep spending all their time on useless 1 on 1's and updating the Battle System, then when will they ever have time to actually work on the Wire.

Why do you care if they're working on The Wire or not, we know nothing about it, you might not even like it.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
I think the battle system was a great idea.
It kinda lets you know where your position is with the community.
By that I mean, you can figure out what you need to work on to keep up with every1.
It only starts a fire under your @$$ to keep practicing.
May 10, 2008
i like it alot. It gave me a reason to film something I've been wanting to for awhile. Also it gives you a chance to compete agaisnt other people in your art.
Sep 1, 2007
Well, on one hand, I do think it's a little bit juvenile (the battle system, that is), but on the other hand, that's kind of what makes it fun. It's the fact that I can get rid of any apprehensions and just go out and act like an idiot along with other people I've never met and not be judged (well, at least my character isn't judged).

It's the same thing with people thinking poetry slams are stupid, or those guys who go to Halo tournaments or something. Stupid, but cool.
Nov 8, 2007
Well, I haven't actually taken part in a battle yet but I think I might dislike this new system a lot. It seems to me that it is kind of cheesy. It remings of like a Pokemon or yu-gi-oh site where you can scan cards and battle.

I rhought this site was really good but tat battle update really killed it for me. I don't have a camera therefor I can not participate however, I have read descriptions on it and it sounds way to corny for my liking.

Besides, If they keep spending all their time on useless 1 on 1's and updating the Battle System, then when will they ever have time to actually work on the Wire.

My Theory11 bashing moment is over. I wish to apologize to the staff. I really do appreciate the site but I just needed to share my feelings on this subject.
Anyway, no offents to anyone.

Dylan P.

All that yacking and I still have no idea what you don't like about the battle system. What about it do you find cheezy? Why do you think it's corny? All that typing and you've really said nothing at all.

Personally the battle system is not for me. I'm not into flourishing and I have no desire to perform magic for a camera. Performing for real people is far more satisfying. And since I have no clue how to film something on my handheld cam and transfer it to my computer, or any desire to learn how to, I think I'll just sit back and watch rather than participate.

I'm sure the battle system will help motivate some people, but it's just not going to be for everyone. Fun new feature for T11 though. Definitely not for me, but I still give it a thumbs up.
Oct 6, 2007
Pfft. Yer iam calling my self a n00b. WTF!? Just becouse your to scared for a challege. Accept my battle!


I'm shakin' in my boots...

My view of the BATTLES feature:

On the flourishing side, it's a great idea. It's as if flourishing was made for battles, or "battles" was made for flourishing- works either way. Flourishing is basically just a skill, like juggling. Magic is more than just a skill (technical wise), as you all know. You can't judge someone's magic (i.e. who's better than who) from a stupid performance for a camera (patter doesn't matter, because you're still talking to a bloody camera). However, with flourishing, it's easy to judge someone's level. It's easier to see who does ____________________ better.

I believe magic should just be taken out of the battles. All it's going to do is add more and more stupid, boring and lame magic performances on YouTube. I base my view with the doubt that anyone is going to battle 'reactions' which again, is almost impossible to judge.
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Sep 1, 2007
It's the same thing with people thinking poetry slams are stupid, or those guys who go to Halo tournaments or something. Stupid, but cool.

Yeah, but a poetry slam has a greater degree of social interaction, and a Halo tournament actually has the possibility of walking away with a cash prize.

All in all, I think the system is just pandering to the kids here who want nothing more than to show off for its own sake. You say it will put you in your place and show you what you need to improve? There are two things that do that already: watching live magic from others, and self-awareness.

On the upshot, maybe it will chew up more time for some of the people around here, resulting in fewer pointless celebrity gossip threads or topic asking total strangers on how to spend your money.
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