Beginner (or rather re-beginner question)

Jun 13, 2013
Hi all,

I've started getting back into card magic after a 20-year hiatus. Having lots of fun.

I've been going through the Royal Road again and have a question that confused me before (but before I had the internet).

In chapter one it describes Retaining the Top and Bottom Cards in Position and also Top Card to Next to Bottom Card and Back to Top. The way it reads it seems to me these are exactly the same. I've always done both of these one way (I guess even if I'm wrong they both are used for the same purpose so I don't think I suffered too much). they seem to follow each other in the practice routine later in the chapter though... Which doesn't make sense.

If anyone can clear this up without exposure or message me somehow it would be awesome. Cheers,

Sep 2, 2007
You're right. They are exactly the same move. I suppose that Hugard and Braue wanted to emphasise the double use for the technique. Either that or they had a bit of an off-day when editing that section.
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