Benson Burner Bowl search

Jun 13, 2013
For any one out there that does the benson bowl routine. What kind of bowl do you use? I have been trying to find one similar to the original tom uses but its either too big or too short or too small.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I love the routine. I would just keep your eyes open at thrift stores. It needs to be opaque and the side of the bowl should be curved a bit but so you can pick it up easily. Those are my only tips really.

Something like this looks nice, you can get it at Crate and Barrel.


This is one of those things that you can customize pretty easily as well, so really it depends a lot on the look of your show and your character.
Jun 13, 2013
Yeah that's actually not a bad bowl. I was having no luck at thrift stores so that might be my next option. I really wanted wood too as my show is as a wizard, it feels more appropriate.
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