Where you get your information is beyond me.
You couldn't be more wrong. I call it like I see it.
I have seen his demo, WHO HASN'T?
You should watch more closely. Are you watching closely?
Ace has flooded his version of a classic to the point where it has completely exhauseted itself, many people are simply tired of looking at what can be pretty much accomplished filling up Passing Through with liquid and holding it vertically.
Passing Through? Come on.
Did you see my display of the bottle in the demo video? I show the front and back of the bottle. If you show the bottle like that with the passing through gimmick, it's SUICIDE!
If you performed it with people on your left and right side (like in my demo video) it's double SUICIDE!
People who purchased it already confirmed it is
NOT the passing through with water.
Did you even own passing through?! The passing through gimmick can never be used in Sealed & Stuck.
Look more closely please.
And try not to fish more methods. If you want to know how it's done, get the DVD.
Some people also mentioned Factory Sealed looked like the Impervious (from the leaked demo). But we would only know if Factory Sealed is using the impervious method AFTER Factory Sealed is released.
The point is, if you don't know the method, don't try to speculate and say this CTB looks like it uses the method of that CTB. You might be wrong. Like for now, you are wrong.
Come on now.
It's just not magical to many, plain and simple.
A coin falling is gravity, not magic.
Falling is not the same as penetrating.
End of story.
Gravity will make the coin fall on the FLOOR. I don't think that will look amazing.
It is a penetration because the coin is
absorbed into the bottle, then fall inside the bottle( thanks to gravity). Just look at the reactions of the audiences in my demo video! The penetration totally blew them away!
I can see you don't like the slow penetration.
You can do it the fast way or normal speed way.
I show the slow speed version in the demo video because most people think
it looks more magical. Using a simple technique you can make the coin sink slowly.
The informer, please get your infos right before informing others.
It is
NOT passing through.
And I agree with Jack that you seem to be bias.
End of story.