Best Penguin lecture for card tricks


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
If one could divide the intermediate skill level into three further levels of beginner, intermediate and pro then im looking for a good lecture that covers card tricks for intermediate>intermediate skill level. Can someone suggest me good lectures for this type?
Jan 29, 2015
I'm not sure about penguin lectures, but murphy's has a lecture with Patrick Kun where he teaches mainly card stuff ranging from easy to intermediate to hard.

Davis West

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2013
Here are some of my favorite...

Shawn Farquhar Live: His work with the omni deck is great. He teaches 3 fly with great detail and also goes over his awesome deck switch. There's also a lot more great material.

Shimshi Live: The lecture is worth it for the advice. He only goes over two effects (haunted deck he performer on Ellen and the hummer card he perform on the Kris Jenner show) but he also goes through how to promote yourself, how to dress, website tips, how to design business cards, and a lot more.

Richard Osterlind 2 Live: He covers great mentalism. The effects he teaches don't require a lot of setup and gimmick construction.

Bizzaro Live: His effects are great but almost all of them require some kind of gimmick to build. Other than that the lecture is worth it. He gives awesome advice about creativity and building a character. The tricks that are heavily gimmicked are worth the time it takes to construct.

Devin Knight Live: He gives A LOT away. He gives PDF files that explain almost all of the effects he taught. He also gives the PDF photos for his clever baby gag.

Davis West

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2013
Sorry I didn't notice the fact that It said card tricks in the title. Shawn Farquhar and Shimshi go over great card tricks too. All of the other lectures don't have a lot of card magic but they are still great.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I've seen almost every Murphy's lecture but I really haven't seen a ton of Penguins. Joshua Jay or Alex Pandrea both had great Murphy's lectures.
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