Best Triumphant...

Apr 26, 2008
Hey guy I was just looking for a new approach to this classic plot....

I own the emerge triumphant from oz pearlman and I know the methods behind all of the Theory 11 1on1s...

So....What is your very favorite, hard hitting, triumphant routine?
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
My new favorite to perform is Half-Triumph from Daniel Madison's Collateral notes.

It's easy to perform, works well and gets good reactions.

Sloppy Shuffle is another fun one, simplicity and fun patter ideas.

Sep 1, 2007
Just throwing this out there... It's a triumph, not triumphant ;)

Personally, I've got two that I perform regularly. They arent necessarilly favorites, just what I enjoy performing. Each of them for me get performed depending on the situation. I generally use Kostya Kimlat's Culligula if I'm standing, but I would use Joshua Jay's Trumped Triumph.

Like I said, these may not necessarilly be the best, but they're my favorites as far as the triumphs that I perform.

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I have to say first of all, I just simply don't like people coming out and wanting "the best" all the time - because guess what - these shortcuts don't get you the best.

In all honestly, looking for the shortcut by asking for "best of" effects isn't gonna do you any favours, and 95% of the time will not get you the most hard-hitting effects you can perform. That's right, asking for good tricks will actually, the majority of the time, get you tricks that, when performed by you, will be second rate and extremely common. So you'll be performing the same old stuff and probably not as well as you could be.

Rather than ask "Where can I find the best effect", ask "Where can I find effects", go out, look through everything, and find what works for you. It normally turns out that no one effect is the best - but rather, that you will create the strongest effect that you can have through a mixture of everything you've researched - even the ones that may not be the first named because they haven't been released on a DVD in the past 5 years. You want average material, ask for "the best" Triumphs. And if you're satisfied with decent, go ahead. You want the best triumphs, if you actually want the best triumphs, which has the highest possible impact? You'll have to work harder than that.

All that said, some triumphs:

Triumph - The original: Dai Vernon
Two Card Reverse - Harry Lorayne.
Culligula - Kostya Kimlat.
Moment of Zen - an application of Lee Asher's Continental Divide (I believe).
The Overworked Card - Roy Walton
Puerto Rican Triumph - Daryl
Last Man Standing - John Bannon
Birds of a Triumph - Iain Moran

There're some ideas to get you started :)
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
Ben Earl's open triumph is a very nice little variation on the classic plot as the only wrong card after the deck is corrected is the wrong card. Plus it is a thought of card triumph aswell.
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
I have two original Triumph routines, and I perform at least one of them on an almost daily basis.

One of them is merely my handling of a slop shuffle triumph, with a nice kicker, and the other is one of my proudest creations, UVT. It's the most visual approach to triumph I could conceive. I have two handlings, a more involved handling and a simplified handling for when the heats really on. Both of them have the interesting visual hook of the cards being interwoven, face up into face down, and the cards actually visibly 'right' themselves, so that both packets now face the same way, bar the selection. This happens with an absolute minimum of cover. It's very cool. Video is on the way for anyone interested.

Other than that, I really love David Acer's small packet triumph from Random Acts', Over Easy.

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