Between 2 Minds

Oct 11, 2007
I am looking for good closeup material. Is this a good dvd set or does others have other ideas on other closeup mentalism? Or even some gimmicks for it?
Jan 4, 2008
There are a few good effects on Between 2 Minds for close-up. However, if close-up is what you really want to focus on, then I would suggest possibly trying "The Unexpected" by Marc Spelmann and Peter Nardi. There are some great close-up pieces in it. EI by Luke Jermay is also a great piece that can be used close-up.

Other gems that always kill when presented correctly:

1. - A simple billet switch or peek to obtain written information works great for mind reading.

2. - Memorize a serial number off of a bill and perform a switch to divine the serial numbers off of it.

With the correct presentation, these two things alone can create an incredible experience in the minds of your spectator. Feel free to PM me if you want a few presentational ideas for these.

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