Bicycle_909 : Centurions?

There have been countless threads about this. I recommend using the Search feature it's a great help.

As far as the release there isn't any news. The only thing is a short video clip.
You can find that in the Media Section.

I think they look pretty nice so far.

Sep 2, 2007
Currently, no information has been released about the release date, if any, of the Bicycle Centurions. There are, however, hidden clues around the site in various places and sections, which have been leading to numerous hidden pages, featuring the Centurions.

If you would like to partake in the journey and search for clues about the Bicycle Centurions -- and possibly embark upon some hidden goods -- feel free to check out this omnipotent thread.

Aug 31, 2007
Currently, no information has been released about the release date, if any, of the Bicycle Centurions. There are, however, hidden clues around the site in various places and sections, which have been leading to numerous hidden pages, featuring the Centurions.

If you would like to partake in the journey and search for clues about the Bicycle Centurions -- and possibly embark upon some hidden goods -- feel free to check out this omnipotent thread.


Oh... Jack, you got beaten to it!
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