I believe you would need a script for that. It actually depends what exactly you want on your blog for example RSS feeds. Try google. Type something like blog script. You'll learn more about it the more you research it. If you need further help feel free to PM me Good luck and welcome to the forums.
What Ive done with my website is used blogger.com They have a way you can set it so it will update and place all current and new blogs onto your website. If you know what you are doing, you can even make the blog look just like your normal website. This is what I've done. If you have any other questions, feel free to PM.
you could use wordpress. its a very good blogging script and can be integrated into your website fairly easy. I could help you out with that. PM me for details
If it's a .com site you can use Drupal. It's a free, open source program that lets you blog, make a forum, choose different layouts etc. but I don;lt think that it can be a site like your looking for...it;s more of a cntent management....