Nov 10, 2014
The video is a bit weird, but it reminds me that we definitely need some clarification on the issue of profanity on the forums because the rules forbid it yet i ave seen a decent about of videos with music involving it and... I just need to know what goes and what is off limits...

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
I stopped watching halfway through because of the profanity. Honestly, if something can't be said without cursing, it's not worth saying at all. That's just me, I've heard about 3 lifetimes of cursing from my previous job.

As for the video--at least the half that I watched. It was weird. If there is indeed magic displayed in the video, I either missed it or its in the second half.


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
I stopped watching halfway through because of the profanity. Honestly, if something can't be said without cursing, it's not worth saying at all. That's just me, I've heard about 3 lifetimes of cursing from my previous job.

As for the video--at least the half that I watched. It was weird. If there is indeed magic displayed in the video, I either missed it or its in the second half.

It's in the ending half of the video. I wouldn't call it an illusion per se, it came off more as a gag if anything. I didn't really see it as crude though. I would define it as silly, and if I came across it outside of theory 11, I wouldn't have any idea that it was supposed to be a magic trick. But it's still entertaining.
I think what Roman and his team are trying to go for with his videos is art films mixed with magic effects. As someone who is a part of a media production company, I have a lot of respect for the quality and originality of Roman's videos. But like I said I'm seeing this through the lense of a film producer.
I think what Roman and his team are trying to go for with his videos is art films mixed with magic effects. As someone who is a part of a media production company, I have a lot of respect for the quality and originality of Roman's videos. But like I said I'm seeing this through the lense of a film producer.
You're right on target. That actually really accurately describes our channel. Thank you :)
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