Oh the freedom of having personal opinions. Some people like them because of how they feel or work, some people really like the design, others like the card stock. Personally, I like the fact that they are a casino deck that is uncanceled and a different color than most. It came from one of the best casinos in Vegas and to me they do hold a collectors value in that regard. Perhaps, my initial post was miss interpreted. They are seemingly rare cards... no doubt more difficult to come by than the red or violet wynns. However, this post is acting like a get rich quick scheme. Similar to those who jump into the stock market simply to trade stocks like they saw in "boiler room". I bought them because they meant something to me... and honestly, I do like the cards quite a bit. Maybe... just maybe, they are more like Jerrys than you realize. Jerry's are by no means the best cards on the face of the earth (mind you that is opinion based and thusly not possible). In fact many would say they are not even good cards. Jerrys dumps these cards at about a buck a pack. Over time they became more and more rare calling for an increase in price. Until they became virtually unobtainable. Then DnD brought them to the forefront causing calamity to the card world because... if DnD are the best, then surely the cards must have something to do with it, and so the cards are the best. This could not be further from the truth. They are the best because they practice and work at it. They like the cards for their own reasons and those cards are valuable because over time they became more and more rare. The same MAY be said about the wynns one day. Maybe one day in the future the wynns will be basically non-existent and some new performer will do something amazing and make everyone want them again. Then they will sell for $1,000.00 a pack (given inflation). But until then, they are a cool deck of cards worth about 10 bucks due to rarity and they have an interesting story, look, and feel. But people need to stop thinking that they have gold in a bee box. Just my 2 cents.