Sigh... I think you people are looking at this the wrong way.
If you're a magician and you've been performing to people, there almost no doubt that you'll be requested to do something. "Can you make me disappear?" "Can you levitate?" "Could you change my one into a hundred?" And all you people think to do is to be annoyed by those comments and say WTF?!
Think about it. After hearing those comments hundreds of times, don't you notice a pattern? No? Well maybe the fact that EVERYONE will ask those questions to you?!
The reason these questions come up is because those are the tricks that they think magicians should be able to do. Those are the tricks that they've seen other magicians do and have remembered. And any magic trick that has been stuck in their mind for that long is bound to be one of the best tricks in the world.
This may come as a surprise to all of you. Get ready for it. A spectator would rather to change $1 to $20 than have you find their card between two aces.
Yes, that's the truth. If you're going to be a performer, whether it be professionally or not, you have to realize that fact. Most of the simplest and easiest tricks that you learned in your first week are some of the strongest trick out there. Levitations, Bill Switch, Card Thru Window. Those are the tricks that spectators remember the most. You can do the most hyper-visual and difficult trick that took you years to master and people will likely forget it by the next day. Pull a coin out of their ear, and they'll remember it for the rest of their life.
So my point is, you have to listen to your audience. Because whenever they ask you a question like that, what they're really saying is this "If you can really do magic, why dont you do something that's actually amazing?"
So just remember these things that i've said whenever you get asked a question like that again. Also, be sure to remember any tricks that you've performed that spectator's remember. For example, i've performed the Biddle trick to many people and they've always remember it. Every time they're in one of my crowds, they'll say "Hey, do that trick where like the card flies into the deck."
I hope you were able to follow all of that. If you did, just remember the information and keep it in mind when you're performing. If you didnt, go back and re-read all of it. Trust me, this information will help you excel not only as a magician, but as an entertainer as well. (which will help you excel in making lots of $$$) =)