Recently I was at a youth group party at my church and our pastor (who used to do street magic, far from any professional, but he's pretty good) performed an impressive trick. He counted off about twenty cards and had a spectator sit on them. He then had another spectator sit on another twenty cards. He asked the second spectator to say how old she was (13). A quick snap, and suddenly the first spectator is sitting on top of thirteen cards, counting them off herself, and the spectator who named her age counts off the cards under her, and there are now seven more cards under her. At first I was thinking that he did a false count as he gave them to the girls, but the free choice is the part that confuses me. Although, now that I think about it, he could have known the girl was thirteen. Any thoughts on how to accomplish this, or what the trick is called? Or am I on the right track with the false count?