Card Change

Mar 18, 2009
Hey guys. my friend and i saw this change the other day, but we can't find it again.

it would be cool if anyone could help me figure out what it is called and where to find it. i will try to explain it as best as i can.

a card is turned over on top, then you do a double lift. you should end up with the cards like in a shapeshifter. then you place them both outjogged in the center of the pack at an angle. Now, you take the pack and you spring it between your hands. and somehow the card ends up flipping over in the center. when done right, the change looks excellent. but i cant find out how to get it to flip. it just happens sometimes. but not all the time. so please help with tips or anything.

thank you.
May 3, 2008
from penguin magic
Warning: Don't buy this DVD. Almost no one can actually do the stuff you're about to see. It's aggressive, showy, complex, impossibly fast, and freakish. Once you master it, your spectators may notice only one tenth of what they're supposed to see... and only one one-hundredth of what is actually happening. That's no way to live... pick up a svengali deck and be happy.

hahah i love this
from penguin magic
Warning: Don't buy this DVD. Almost no one can actually do the stuff you're about to see. It's aggressive, showy, complex, impossibly fast, and freakish. Once you master it, your spectators may notice only one tenth of what they're supposed to see... and only one one-hundredth of what is actually happening. That's no way to live... pick up a svengali deck and be happy.

hahah i love this

The DVD isn't bad, his methods of teaching may not be favourable (may explain why I got it for free), but the moves are manageable with practice and the audience can understand what is happening. The DVD may be for experts, though it was one of the first magic DVD's I watched (maybe not the smartest thing) and I could get some of the moves and concepts

In the DVD he does not give credit to anyone for the Spring change. He just states the move, quick explination of how it is done and moves on. This is the only place I've seen it. Anyone have any idea where it originated from?
I'm certain I read the exact thing you're describing in Jean Hugards 'Card Manipulations' book about 10 years ago. I certainly remember trying it and it not working...., but then again, i was only 14 at the time...

So try that book, even if it's not in there then there is tonnes of other cool stuff in their (includng a few things that certain magicians have been including on there DVD's as 'new moves'). Plus it's only £10 ish.

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
from penguin magic
Warning: Don't buy this DVD. Almost no one can actually do the stuff you're about to see. It's aggressive, showy, complex, impossibly fast, and freakish. Once you master it, your spectators may notice only one tenth of what they're supposed to see... and only one one-hundredth of what is actually happening. That's no way to live... pick up a svengali deck and be happy.

hahah i love this

Because, when I see magic, I want to see an aggressive magician who shows off. He said a lot of things I couldn't understand and did something - but I'm not sure what, because he didn't actually let me see what was going on. I love being underwhelmed at only seeing a portion of what is actually happening (in this case, the trick itself). Magic is so totally cool.
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