Card college 1 & 2



Hi everyone,

For someone who is interested in mastering fundamental sleight of hand, will learning from card college 1 & 2 provide more value compared to learning from Royal Road? Note that I already have CC vol 1 and Royal Road, and was thinking of getting CC vol 2, but have been having some issues trying to purchase it.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
Since you have both Card College 1 and Royal Road, you can decide which is easier to learn from. For me, I like Roberto Giobbi's handlings and like the way Card College is laid out. Although Card College 2 is out of stock at a lot of dealers , you can get it at L&L Publishing. Note, that L&L has free shipping in the U.S. and a 10% discount if you order three or more product.
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Since you have both Card College 1 and Royal Road, you can decide which is easier to learn from. For me, I like Roberto Giobbi's handlings and like the way Card College is laid out. Although Card College 2 is out of stock at a lot of dealers , you can get it at L&L Publishing. Note, that L&L has free shipping in the U.S. and a 10% discount if you order three or more product.
Thanks, I concur with you regarding Card College. Giobbi's ability to provide clarity for each technique through his immense attention to detail is something that really shines through, and I just find it a more enjoyable read compared to Royal Road.

I live in Australia, so shipping and exchange rate will probably push the cost of the second book past $75, so do you still think its worth it? I could probably force myself to stick with Royal Road if I had to.
Oct 4, 2017
I have Card College vol. 1 and love it. Was thinking of grabbing vol. 2 as welll as Ive found a few copies through ebay. Maybe you could have better luck trying there? I have not read Royal Road but seeing its name appear so much in different threads it must be a must read.


I have Card College vol. 1 and love it. Was thinking of grabbing vol. 2 as welll as Ive found a few copies through ebay. Maybe you could have better luck trying there? I have not read Royal Road but seeing its name appear so much in different threads it must be a must read.

Great that you're enjoying it. I had a look on eBay and most of the suppliers either didn't ship to where I live or didn't have the book in stock. The ones that could ship seemed to charge at least $A100 just for the purchase alone. Regardless, I've decided to purchase from L&L publishing, which will probably be the least expensive out of all of them.

Royal Road adopts a similiar approach to CC. It'll teach you the fundamental sleights followed by a number of tricks that utilise that sleight. Compared to CC, the handling of a lot of the sleights are a bit more dated (which is expected), there aren't as many pictures, and descriptions for sleights require close readings as it's written in an older style of English. Nevertheless, it covers most of the sleights found in the first two volumes of CC and for its cost, it's great value. Plus, it is chock full of fantastic tricks that'll fool laymen over and over again, especially if you bring your own personality and presentational elements into it.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I'm good friends with a magician in Australia. What he does is order a lot of books at once. The US Priority Mail medium box is $43.95 which if you order 10 books comes out to less than $5 a book. L&L has great prices and service. Definitely order a couple more books to get the 10% discount. Consider Card College Volumes 3 through 5 or the Art of Astonishment series.


I'm good friends with a magician in Australia. What he does is order a lot of books at once. The US Priority Mail medium box is $43.95 which if you order 10 books comes out to less than $5 a book. L&L has great prices and service. Definitely order a couple more books to get the 10% discount. Consider Card College Volumes 3 through 5 or the Art of Astonishment series.

L&L just got back to me and unfortunately they don't have the book in stock until Feb 2018.


I've found out that the first two volumes are available as ebooks with embedded video clips. Would this make a good alternative to the hardcover or should I wait for the physical copies to be restocked?
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