Card in bottle or at window?

Jan 19, 2009
I know some diffrent way to do this but I wont to do it when the spectator just put the card in the deck and then just throw the deck. I am using the classic force.

but if I throw deck and the specatator looks at the ground he will see the card and then he will se that is a duplicated card.

pm me if you now how or where I can learn to throw the deck right after he puts it in.

let see david blaine do this

Example here you can see the card is at 2:55 on his feet on the ground and also in the window o_O
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Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I know some diffrent way to do this but I wont to do it when the spectator just put the card in the deck and then just throw the deck. I am using the classic force.

but if I throw deck and the specatator looks at the ground he will see the card and then he will se that is a duplicated card.

pm me if you now how or where I can learn to throw the deck right after he puts it in.

let see david blaine do this

Example here you can see the card is at 2:55 on his feet on the ground and also in the window o_O

They won't be looking at the ground...their card is on the other side of a freaking window.
Mar 12, 2009
Sorry to say, but the two above "advices" are pretty darn stupid..

There is a lot of ways you could avoid having the forced card lay on the ground.

1: Diagonal palm shift. That is what I would do. When the card is inserted, you palm it, and throw. It is particlularly easy in this sitaution, if you sort of "break the tension" by stepping back and saying "alright, let's try this", and then move your head from side to side as if you were about to do something really amazing (which you are ;)). By doing that, there will be no heat on the cards, the audience will look at you, because you are acting as if you were doing something really hard, and it will be much easier to pull off the palm, even if you are not that good at it.

2: Put some double stick tape on the bottom card, or remount spray on both the force and bottom card. That way, you can force the card, have them show it around, then you spread the cards from left to right, break the spread in the middle, "reverse" the two spreaded packets, and have them return the card on the top of the packet in your right hand. Now, place the packet in your left hand to the right-hand packet, and make sure the tape or remount sticks. Now you can throw the cards at the window without wondering if the card shows on the ground.

3: This is a simplified version of number 2, but here, you make that special "short-cutted-card-glued-to-a-random-card"-gimmick sort of thing. I'm sure you know what I mean, if not go ahead and PM me. This way, you can riffle the cards and have them say stop, you show the card they stopped at (the force card of course ;)), and just throw the cards. Again, the force card won't show on the ground.

I am sure there are many other ways, but this were the ones I just thought of on the spot..

EDIT: Sorry, just realised that version two doesn't work. The force card will just be taped to another card but still visible.
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Dec 12, 2009
London Uk
Sorry to say, but the two above "advices" are pretty darn stupid..

There is a lot of ways you could avoid having the forced card lay on the ground.

1: Diagonal palm shift. That is what I would do. When the card is inserted, you palm it, and throw. It is particlularly easy in this sitaution, if you sort of "break the tension" by stepping back and saying "alright, let's try this", and then move your head from side to side as if you were about to do something really amazing (which you are ;)). By doing that, there will be no heat on the cards, the audience will look at you, because you are acting as if you were doing something really hard, and it will be much easier to pull off the palm, even if you are not that good at it.

2: Put some double stick tape on the bottom card, or remount spray on both the force and bottom card. That way, you can force the card, have them show it around, then you spread the cards from left to right, break the spread in the middle, "reverse" the two spreaded packets, and have them return the card on the top of the packet in your right hand. Now, place the packet in your left hand to the right-hand packet, and make sure the tape or remount sticks. Now you can throw the cards at the window without wondering if the card shows on the ground.

3: This is a simplified version of number 2, but here, you make that special "short-cutted-card-glued-to-a-random-card"-gimmick sort of thing. I'm sure you know what I mean, if not go ahead and PM me. This way, you can riffle the cards and have them say stop, you show the card they stopped at (the force card of course ;)), and just throw the cards. Again, the force card won't show on the ground.

I am sure there are many other ways, but this were the ones I just thought of on the spot..

WELL I am sorry, I never have performed this trick and never will, I also dont have any ideas for it. So yeah...
Jan 19, 2009
the problem is that the tape have to be on the back of the card so you need to get the bottom taped card from the bottom to middle so they can put the card right on the taped card
Mar 26, 2009
an alternative to the DPS is to shuffle the "chosen" card to the bottom (or control it however) and use the gamblers cop as you raise the deck to throw with the right hand. No heat should be on the left hand that naturally falls to your side.
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