Card Magic Without a Double Lift

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
As any card magician knows, the double lift is perhaps the most valuable sleight in card magic. The double lift isn't always easy, but when done right can mystify and amaze audiences. The Ambitious Card Routine is a routine comprised of almost nothing but double lifts. It seems as though almost every effect today employs the double lift in some shape or form. It is, in my mind, the card magicians most indispensable, and most effect sleight. But now I pose to you a series of questions:

What if your audience knew every single time that you did a double lift? What if they could instantly spot it and call you out on it. What would you do? Would you simply give up, or try and devise a way to get around this problem?

The above is based off of something that has happened to me. My friends recently spotted my double lift in a performance and have been able to call me out on it. Now, they are nonetheless impressed by it, but there is a valuable "weapon" gone from my "arsenal". How would you, as a magician react to such a thing?

Sep 3, 2007
Learn a new one... try to work around it with things like a Top Change, Marlo Tilt, etc. Bad news bro, bad news.
Sep 3, 2007
That is what I would personally do. However, I know several DLs, so I could probably get away with it. You could also learn the KM Move, do your normal DL, and when he calls you out on it, prove him wrong. Or start turning over singles like Doubles, and when he calls you out on it then, prove him wrong... again. There are tons of alternatives, so I wouldn't really sweat it. Don't let it get to you, man.
Oct 24, 2007
My suggestion would be to learn many different looking DL's. Since, as you stated, DL's are important "weapons". It's good to have an arsenal of them. ;)

I can do at least five very very well. So, if I mess up once, I can just do another one. I like to use the Ginastaire Double, Surfboard Double, Regular Double, Spin Doctor Double, and a one handed double. Hope this helps in some way. Peace!

Sep 3, 2007
I can do Joel's One Handed Double, a sort of combination of that and a regular Double, a regular Double, Diving Board Double, Double From Center, and a few other small subtleties and variations to add to a regular Double. So my audience won't be able to catch up, even if they spot a Double.
Sep 1, 2007
The "Illusion Control" in The Paper Engine. Some Bluff Passes. I would not care that much as I have a lot of back ups when I do my routines.

But if someone calls me out on it, I show them it isn't. Make them think something when it isn't. That is what I would do.
There are tons of other effects that does not require a double lift.
Look into some old school magic. Roy Walton has a lot good ones that doesn't require double lifts.
Don't know what you mean by old school, but you are right.

Alot of good magic doesn't need double lifts. Obviously I'm not saying this to give the idea that just because your friends caught the DL, you should quit the move. I'm saying it to correct the idea that DLs are employed in every card effect.

Check out Card College for instance.
Sep 2, 2007
This was a big concern when i was starting out do effects that required the DL. The only thing i could do was to practice harder and made my DL more 'natural'.

Before i was dead sure and confident that i was able to do DLs without thinking about it, i did dai vernon's triumph and some packet effects like twisting aces. doc daley's last, alex elmsley's 4-card to curb my performing thirst. It worked pretty well especially triumph. It's my favorite table effect and gets great reactions ...all without a DL.

My 2 cents.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2007
Honestly my ACR consists of only one Double lift. Try and refine it so that you don't really need it. I try and use it as little as possible my top change is very good and also be sure not to forget about the glide or a second deal when done right they can even fool magicians.
May 6, 2008
My Advice is to get more DLs down like the push- over DL or the diving board DL or the center double for dan and dave and see which one suits you best and practice it A LOT before performing to people but DO NOT quit the move
Feb 3, 2008
Raleigh, NC
I have to agree with all the guys saying to learn multiple double lifts. Most laymen don't realize there are multiple ways to get a double lift and a lot of doubles look like it would be impossible for it to be a double. Joel Pascal's One Handed Double Lift is great because of this, I'll usually do some kind of two handed double to initially flip the two cards over and then used Joel's One Handed to flip it back over, that way it trips up the not so laymen spectators.

Also like adjones said, make your single lift and double lift look exactly the same. This is a general rule of card magic. And I like adjones' idea about using the KM move, that would really trip them up.

If you riffle the back of the deck to get your break for a double lift, then be sure to riffle the back of the deck when you are lifting a single card. Or even get your break differently with misdirection.
Sep 3, 2007
I use the "Bubble Break" thing that Gregory Wilson teaches on Card Stunts/ Pyrotechnic Pasteboards whenever I can. I still don't have it down pat, but it's a great way of getting a break. No pushovers, riffles; can be done with one hand. It's pretty awesome. That combined with multiple DLs, single card "Doubles", KM Move, etc., and you're set to go.
Sep 1, 2007
Los Angeles, California
Don't know what you mean by old school, but you are right.

Alot of good magic doesn't need double lifts. Obviously I'm not saying this to give the idea that just because your friends caught the DL, you should quit the move. I'm saying it to correct the idea that DLs are employed in every card effect.

Check out Card College for instance.

Talking about routines and things from like the 90s or something. Most people now do quick effects in the hands like Dan and Dave's materials.
Sep 3, 2007
^^I don't. I prefer a bit longer, more in depth stuff. Like ACR, Cards to Pocket, Reset, Believe, Witness, etc. Gives me more time to build up the trick and really sell it. Quick tricks are good, but aren't always the right answer.
Most people now do quick effects in the hands like Dan and Dave's materials.
Nope, unless you're talking about couple of online forums, which are no way a represent the magic community as a whole :)

Go to a magic convention, I never been to one, but I know quite a few who did, and we discussed this while back.

Heck, check the cafe while you're at it!

Buck Twins aren't the only people in the world with "quickies" either!

Double lifts are my tools of destruction. With a double lift I can do anything! A few weeks ago I was doing 2 card monte and one of the specs noticed the TL. Afterwards, I did Card In Hand, and he didn't notice anything. Hmmmm. I think if you don't notice it, they don't notice, no matter if they know how to do it or not.
I don´t agree

My suggestion would be to learn many different looking DL's. Since, as you stated, DL's are important "weapons". It's good to have an arsenal of them. ;)

I can do at least five very very well. So, if I mess up once, I can just do another one. I like to use the Ginastaire Double, Surfboard Double, Regular Double, Spin Doctor Double, and a one handed double. Hope this helps in some way. Peace!


I don´t think you will get better the more different double lifts you do. All of them have the same weakness that exposed you in the first place which is, holding two cards as one. Work on the way you handle the double, don´t rush but keep the double moving, make your double card handling the same as single card, consider the viewing angles...
Sep 1, 2007
Los Angeles, California
Nope, unless you're talking about couple of online forums, which are no way a represent the magic community as a whole :)

Go to a magic convention, I never been to one, but I know quite a few who did, and we discussed this while back.

Heck, check the cafe while you're at it!

Buck Twins aren't the only people in the world with "quickies" either!


To correct my statement, most magicians I see. And yes you are right, these people do not represent the whole magic community.
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