As any card magician knows, the double lift is perhaps the most valuable sleight in card magic. The double lift isn't always easy, but when done right can mystify and amaze audiences. The Ambitious Card Routine is a routine comprised of almost nothing but double lifts. It seems as though almost every effect today employs the double lift in some shape or form. It is, in my mind, the card magicians most indispensable, and most effect sleight. But now I pose to you a series of questions:
What if your audience knew every single time that you did a double lift? What if they could instantly spot it and call you out on it. What would you do? Would you simply give up, or try and devise a way to get around this problem?
The above is based off of something that has happened to me. My friends recently spotted my double lift in a performance and have been able to call me out on it. Now, they are nonetheless impressed by it, but there is a valuable "weapon" gone from my "arsenal". How would you, as a magician react to such a thing?
What if your audience knew every single time that you did a double lift? What if they could instantly spot it and call you out on it. What would you do? Would you simply give up, or try and devise a way to get around this problem?
The above is based off of something that has happened to me. My friends recently spotted my double lift in a performance and have been able to call me out on it. Now, they are nonetheless impressed by it, but there is a valuable "weapon" gone from my "arsenal". How would you, as a magician react to such a thing?