Card splitting

Does anyone know of any alternatives to rubber cement for sticking the cards together? It's a little harder to come by where I live...
I'm aiming for quality cards, so I'd like to hear your experiences in using different substances.
Sep 1, 2007
There is that DMT(Dry Mounting Tissue), you can find some really great details if you look up The Gaff Factory from Google and buy it.
Sep 16, 2007
I have made many double backed cards and using different substances and I would recommend just using double stick tape but if your gonna do something like satisfaction guarantee were the spectator gets to see the card then you would probably be better off getting some professionally made cards at E or at your local magic shop for about 12$ for a deck, that is including shipping.Hope it helped :D.
Sep 1, 2007
Actually rubber cement is not a hard thing to come by. It does not have to be Elmers. You had a video performing in a large shop, right? I am sure you can find it there.
Sep 1, 2007
If you use a very, very small amount of magician's wax in the corners of the cards they should stick together perfectly. I use magician's wax for my posters... Hehe.

That could be used for non-splitted cards, but you can´t do that with cards already splitted, they won´t stay together and won´t feel right.

I made my first double-backers a few days ago and used some random rubber-cement, not Elmers. These are perfect and if you have any idea how to split them and then clue them together (Check out The Art of Card Spltting by Martini) then these gaffs will serve you well.
While I'm here, I mind as well ask... how do the rubber cement gaffs feel? That is, do they have the same snap as regular cards (or close to it)? I've tried some other adhesives, but the card always seems to be very floppy.
Thanks for your help guys.
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Sep 1, 2007
While I'm here, I mind as well ask... how do the rubber cement gaffs feel? That is, do they have the same snap as regular cards (or close to it)? I've tried some other adhesives, but the card always seems to be very floppy.
Thanks for your help guys.
They feel and snap as regular cards (you can do shapeshifter!), the edges might be not so smooth if you can´t get that extra cement off but if you do(with your fingernail and clean hands - easy) these are well. And once you have them straight, they won´t bend by itself.
I know that this has already been said but, If you are realyy interested in card spliting and making your own gaffs, Please check out "The gaff factory". You can get it from google. Here is the link.

This book is awesome. It teaches the use of dry mount tissue in making your gaffs. And, Let me tell you, Once you have made a few cards with the dry mount you will never go back to rubber cement or double sided tape!!

A comprehensive dry-mounting tutorial
by Craig Matsuoka

He covers
- card splitting
- making double-facers
- corner rounding
- shimmed cards
- long cards
- split faces and backs
- invisible seams
- Acrobatic Cards
- transparent Hofzinser cards
- eight pages on printing cards on a laser printer

The knowlage you will gain from this book is worth the price of the book many times over. (BTW the price is $20.00 plus $2.00 shipping, Not bad at all).

Give it a try everyone. I bet you will love it!!

Oct 12, 2007
Another Resource

One really good tutorial video on card splitting is "The art of card splitting" Its made my Magic makers Inc. . They are usually a company that produce gaffed decks, but this video covers alot, from the best way to split a card, to good tips on making sure the cards are lined up. Also here is the link to the Elmers website, that is recommend for gluing the cards

I have done some card splitting, so if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
I have a background in gaffing cards, and have made up gaffs for myself, and others for professional use. i'm in the UK, and i use a brand of non-water based glue called 'pritt- stik'. it comes in a tube and is very clean and easy to apply. best of all, it's very low maintenance, but really works, extremely well. I tried using double stick tape, but found it very high maintenance to apply with any degree of accuracy when it comes to the actual sticking of the cards.

Hope this helped.

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