Card Technicians


Oct 17, 2013
Ever notice how hard it is to find a technician in the phone book?
That because nobody gives a Sh*it about somebody who spent half of his (or her, im not discriminating against broads) life learning to deal deal from the basement, when they can get some "gritty" mind-freaker who droped fifty bucks on Ellusionist and thinks he (yes he and only he. Most female magicians have more common sense) david blaine.
Thats just my experiences though, are there any mechanics who hold down performing jobs?
Sep 23, 2012
well as for your first question: i dont think anybody would go around looking for specifically a card cheat in the phone book
and as for the fact that someone who does not have skill and just bought a bunch of easy effects can gain a better reaction than someone who has been practicing for years just urks me


Oct 17, 2013
I dont mean a card cheat you smegging smegg head I mean a technician like jason england...let me put it in terms you can understand PEOPLE LIKE WHAT DANIEL MADISON CLAIMS TO BE.
and I dont mean they can get a better reaction but that a spectator dosnt give a Sh*t if youre doing a overhand shuffle or a classic pass when there controlling there card or ending an ACR routine with that weird-amazng-bent-card-ending-thing or the graduate.
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Sep 2, 2007
I dont mean a card cheat you smegging smegg head I mean a technician like jason england...let me put it in terms you can understand PEOPLE LIKE WHAT DANIEL MADISON CLAIMS TO BE.

Calm down, mate! You did use the word "mechanic", so it's fair enough to read into your unusually syntacted post the idea that you were talking about some sort of card cheater.

There are many highly-skilled card technicians who work as performers. Michael Weber does gigs, Richard Turner does gigs, Derek Delgaudio does gigs, etc., etc. I think one of the things that marks them out is that, when it's appropriate, they structure their routines in a way which gives the audience an insight into how much skill is involved in their work. So, the applause isn't just for the final magical effect, but for the years of practice that preceded it. It's all in the presentation.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
What point, pray tell, are you trying to make here?

Yes, there are technicians who perform regularly. Because they are also entertaining as well as skilled.

Also, the ratio of talented female performers to poor female performers is probably roughly the same as talented male performers to poor male performers. I assume you're simply trying to stir things up with your statements, but until you can give me some kind of factual basis, with real numbers behind it, I'm forced to dismiss your attitude as blatantly anti-E.

Bad performers are bad performers. There are plenty of fans of any magic store which suck at performing. No need to hate on any one store for the lack of effort or skill from their customer base.
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