Card Through Table

[SIZE="4[B]"]Hey Everyone,
I am currently really liking the card through table effect and was wondering wheter anyone could point me in the direction of some really good ones.
Thankyou in advance.
Oct 28, 2007
i had a question about breach......
how sturdy is the gimmick like is it going to last forever or is it fragile and will only last a little while if so is it possible to remake the gimmick?
i had a question about breach......
how sturdy is the gimmick like is it going to last forever or is it fragile and will only last a little while if so is it possible to remake the gimmick?

You can make the gimmick yourself if you wanted to but pretty much everyone will not have the materials needed at home so you would have to do some shopping. It may even be hard to find exactly what you need too. And yes the gimmick lasts forever. Like I said though, Breach will not be available again until 2009 so if your willing to wait that long then go for it. It's definitely worth it.
Sep 1, 2007
Check out Steve Haynes' Casanova Concept DVD - there are several tricks on the DVD including card through glass table. The card is signed by a spectator and is clearly seen above the table before it penetrates to the other side - face up. You also get a variety of killer effects including a transposition of two signed cards. One is clearly seen in the deck before it changes place with the other. The twist is that the other card was put in the spectators wallet before the trick began. They remove it themselves to reveal the transposition.
Sep 14, 2007
There is an impromptu card thru table that you can use through misdirection, it worked a couple of times for me.
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
'griffin under glass' is amazing, so cool.
nate kranzo has a 'quickie card thru table', uses no gaffs or suplicates, and the work is reduced to only two moves, both easy and cool. relies more on conviction than method.

Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
i think breach will be taught on dangerous

it's also in his identity notes (how to make the gimmick is included)

I wonder if Dangerous is shipping the breach gimmick or if the DVD is just teaching it.

i do an impromptu card through table-not a visual through glass....but it gets the job done. you can pm me if you wanted more details, since it was taught by a friend i don't know where its published.
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