Card Trick Battle?

Jul 19, 2008
I am looking for an opponent for a card trick battle. if you are interested, please reply to this, and we can set up a battle.

Benjamin Dove
Jul 19, 2008
Umm. Hmm. You need to think of some, but for starters:

No video editing to improve the effect, only to improve the video

The trick must be under 5 minutes

No trick decks like forcing decks allowed

Patter is optional
Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
PS: by the way, what is Patter ?

It's the "story" of the trick. The lines you say while doing the trick.

Something like this: "I was in this bar the other night, doing my magic, and this drunk guy came up to me, took the deck out of my hands and mixed them some face up, some face down, and said to me "now if you can find my card, i will beleieve in magic", and bam, you got yourself a little nice "patter" for triumph kind of trick :)

Hope i was clear enough.... :)
Oct 21, 2007
It's the "story" of the trick. The lines you say while doing the trick.

Something like this: "I was in this bar the other night, doing my magic, and this drunk guy came up to me, took the deck out of my hands and mixed them some face up, some face down, and said to me "now if you can find my card, i will beleieve in magic", and bam, you got yourself a little nice "patter" for triumph kind of trick :)

Hope i was clear enough.... :)

wow, Brad Christian is soo proud
Jul 19, 2008
Ok. I am gonna allow a whole month for the vid as I want it to be top notch. Umm. So yeah reply and then I will set up. But the video should be good quality. So hopefully a month is ok....
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