Card Trick on top on your head ...

Jul 13, 2009
Edmonton, Canada
If someone comes to you and ask you to do a card trick and you are fully prepared (u have all the gimmicks and that sort of thing, if u use them... ), what is the first card trick that comes to your mind that u will perform for them ?
Jul 18, 2009
Two Card Monte is probably one of my favorites, but I really like to use TiVo 2.0 and Hold The Mayo by Bill Goodwin. Oh and Five speed is great.
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Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX
If someone comes to you and ask you to do a card trick and you are fully prepared (u have all the gimmicks and that sort of thing, if u use them... ), what is the first card trick that comes to your mind that u will perform for them ?

Then its not really at the top of my head if im that prepared.Id already know what im doing. Which,in case,the card effect id perform is Infliction.
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