Cardini Change...

Sep 1, 2007
Hey guys im preety new on forums ...... but ive been reading the threads for quite a long time ...... im having trouble with "The Queens" by D&D ...... the part that i cant get is where u do the 3rd vanish ...... i ust want to ask if thers another change i can use instead of the cardini change ......... im not tryin to expose anything ....... i just need help...


Hey guys im preety new on forums ...... but ive been reading the threads for quite a long time ...... im having trouble with "The Queens" by D&D ...... the part that i cant get is where u do the 3rd vanish ...... i ust want to ask if thers another change i can use instead of the cardini change ......... im not tryin to expose anything ....... i just need help...



The change is more of a knack than anything. Keep trying it, it will come with practice.
Oct 12, 2007
Orlando Fl
Richman is right just practice a little more, when you get it you'll be able to do it in your sleep. But for an alternate your can try classic pass with one card, maybe. Hope no exposure there.
Mar 15, 2008
Well before i learned the queens i had already worked a LOT on my ego change, which is basically identical, despite a few changes. It works perfectly for the 3rd vanish, and i use it every time instead of the cardini change. You can pm me if you want more info on the change, im always glad to help a fellow magician.
Sep 1, 2007
Well before i learned the queens i had already worked a LOT on my ego change, which is basically identical, despite a few changes. It works perfectly for the 3rd vanish, and i use it every time instead of the cardini change. You can pm me if you want more info on the change, im always glad to help a fellow magician.

Hey ... m.miller .. i pm-ed you .... thanks every1 for the tips

Apr 4, 2008
York, UK
I tend to prefer the ego change, which is the cardini change with a different finger

^ surely nobody can say im exposing too much there - for the love of god ^
Apr 2, 2008
Try getting a break under the top card. I find that it makes the change a lot easier. I hope this doesn't expose anything.
I tend to prefer the ego change, which is the cardini change with a different finger

Actually, the Cardini Change uses a pinky break - much like in Tivo 2.0. Dan was just unfortunate to mis-credit the move as the Cardini Change, when in fact he uses Daniel Garcia's Ego Change; breakless and with the same execution for clean-up.

Just felt like giving credit where it was really due. :)

Sep 1, 2007
Godamn (-_-") jordan you know a lot of stuff =].
i knew the ego was with a pinky break n cardini without one ....... i think .... well thanks everyone.
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