Cards Comparison

Aug 25, 2009
Hi everyone, this is the first time I am posting, glad to be here.

About my issue:

I am close to 2 years of flourishing and I am using ellusionist cards most of the time. I like them very much both for their design and their handling and I do not care that the company is broadly disliked. Though whats bothering me is the price, especially the high shipping fees to europe.

Now its not that I am not open for new stuff. So I went to a local store and bought every deck they had and that was recommended on decknique.

I had myself:
bicycle rider back (red and blue)
steamboat 999
rambler no 23 gilt edges
arrco streamline
fournier 505 plastic coated
tally-ho no. 9 linoid finish
bee playing cards

From these there was not one deck coming close to what I regard as nice for flourishing. So my question: Are there any decks that have a similiar (or identical) finish like the ellusionist cards? Have I maybe bought the wrong tally-ho as so many people claim to use them for flourishing? Are the decks on t11 comparable to those sold on ellusionist? I want to be sure before I get myself another bunch of useless cards.

Sep 1, 2007
Seem's mostly whinny not liking most of those decks, they're perfectly fine for flourishing.

But if your going for more a deck that isn't super smooth so they stay in packets better and look great for any sybil cuts or similar cuts, go for Wynn's. Bad part is, they suck at fanning, they tech art faces look disgusting for fans and spreads. But like I said, cuts and aerials are what they are great for.
Dec 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I believe that mostly your problem is because you used E cards so much. You've become accostumed to the feel and handling of them, and when you switch it doesn't feel good.
Just practice with some of the new decks and maybe you will find you like them.

As to your question, I cannot help you.
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