Cards to Bottom

Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
isn't that the one that controls it to the top? You could use culling or a modified pass where you hold a break and do a pass underneath. That will get them to the bottom. You could do a 4for4 "lose" the cards in the deck palm and place on the bottom. Hope that helps
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
The streamline control takes the cards to the top. I would use either the cull or the Vernon multiple shift. Mike's move could also work if you want to look into that
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
I know the convincing control and a weird injog and cut control from brian tudor...but they are too akward and dont fit in the trick Im performing, I was looking for a sleigth in wich the 3 cards are shown in different parts of the deck and then controled at the same time to the bottom.... chad nelson control in "criterion" would be a perfect example of what IM looking for...cheers!
Jan 31, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The Control Chad Nelson used is his Svengali control he taught at his lecture. As for Controlling cards to the bottom I would recommend Dai Vernon's Multiple Shift, The Hoffzinzer spread control and Earnest Earick's One Handed Convincing control,
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
-Angle jog to cop and botom placement?
-Diaganol palm shift?
-A switch of the cards at the outset?
-Lose them one at a time wit hGilles Coutures wonderful Injog gut control?
-Have them selected and 'lost' while actually controlling them one at a time with the convincing control?

You have many many options my friend.

Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
-Angle jog to cop and botom placement?
-Diaganol palm shift?
-A switch of the cards at the outset?
-Lose them one at a time wit hGilles Coutures wonderful Injog gut control?
-Have them selected and 'lost' while actually controlling them one at a time with the convincing control?

You have many many options my friend.


well, thanks! Ill look up for them and mike 's move was amasing, I got really fooled when I watched it, Ill start practicing it when I perfect my ambitous riser move( In like 30 0 40 years ;)) just kidding, thanks for the help guys, much appreciated.
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