Center Dealing

Mar 19, 2013
Lynchburg, Virginia
The more I read about the center deal, the more I see people dismiss it as impractical at the card table. As I see it, the center deal was a revolution in the world of card mechanics. However there are very few who can perform it at a level high enough for it to pass at an actual card table. Despite what I read, I'm still on the search for demonstrations of people who can perform it at such levels so that I can model my own after theirs. If you know of anyone or if you have a center deal yourself that's advanced I'd really appreciate it!


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2012
Hi Braxton as c.t just mentioned Jason England should be model in all the "False deals" and all the basic card sleights.
Check either his Center deal out it should be at a price round 5-10$ so very fair price. An other thing you can do is if you havn't learn all the other false deals you can buy the foundations V1 got a lot of good false deals if I remember corectly you can download it directly from this website check the "Magic trick" section.

Thanks - Markus/JokerZingo
Sep 8, 2012
Well, only DOC's center deal is good enough for the card table FROM WHAT I'VE SEEN. Most of the absolutely natural centers are false demonstrations. I wouldn't even go with the England's center deal. But anyways, gambler's cop and a good bottom deal is quite enough to get that card wherever you want. :)
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