Check my channel. Some classic card magic with Tutorials


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
So I'm curious. Seeing as this is your first post and we know nothing about you. Why do you post tutorials? What is the reasoning behind giving away secrets?
Feb 2, 2017
So I'm curious. Seeing as this is your first post and we know nothing about you. Why do you post tutorials? What is the reasoning behind giving away secrets?

The little I know, I learned through Tutorials. That's why I'm "teaching". This way someone will learn from it too.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
You could learn a lot more if you went to proper resources, such as the books that originally taught the material you are now giving away. The same sources that the people who watch your videos could learn from too.

In the magic world what you're doing is called Exposure. Most people consider it to be very rude in the least, or a significant threat to the value of magic as a whole.

Depending on what your ultimate goals are, this kind of thing could also hurt your career significantly in the long run.
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