check out my videos. (venus pass, elevator)

Apr 8, 2009
I liked the feel of the video and i thought it timed well with the music but you need to work on the actually moves because they were a little choppy
Mar 18, 2009
the videos looked a little awkward, and the elevator really needs some work, you could see every move. i think you just need to practice some more.

Jun 1, 2009
Venus pass-pretty good, I can tell you have been practicing. Once you get confident enough with it and start performing it for real people, it will probably be your favorite control, it flies by people :D

Elevator-Honestly, I would take this down, practice some more, then post a new one. Every move was flashed, and the shaking made me a bit motion sick. Work on making the shake more natural, and of course the elevator move itself.

Your boy,
Mar 26, 2009
im gonna say that u used a dupe for 2 reasons (on venus trap):
1: I can see the break your holding as well as the "pop" as you get to the break on the riffle which indicates to me that you are stoppping on a force card
2: The angle from where you roll the half of the deck back to the other would flash the card coming up for the venus trap motion. The deck would hit the card coming up if you did this as tightly as you do here to avoid flashing
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