Chris Kenners Ambitious aces?

Jan 26, 2008
Hello everyone!

A while ago i watched a amazing video of Chris kenner on youtube where he performes some material from his book Totally out of control, but one effect he performes is a "ambitious aces" routine and it really blew me away.

But i dont think that effect is in his book, does anyone know where i can learn something like that? His routine looks fantastic.

Here is the video :
Apr 28, 2008
The move he uses for the first and second phase is the 4 for 4 Switch which is available in loads of places, it's in the 1 on 1 section and I imagine it would be in TOOC. I'm not too sure exactly what he's doing after that. When they're all placed in the centre together a pass would be the easiest way to bring them all to the top. For the final rise when they're seperated I imagine he's using some form of multiple shift then a pass.

I do a routine based on this one from time to time and spectators love it, it got way better reactions than I expected, it's really worth learning.
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