I purchased the 1on1 the other day and have been practicing it ever since, ive got the basic movement down although i am nowhere near ready to perform it.
However i have one slight problem, when i do the move its all dandy apart each time i shift the card up the deck, for some reason that i have not ascertained yet, the left hand edge of the card sticking out slides a bit out of the pack towards my left thumb.
I found it a really easy tutorial and certainly an effective trick but i was wondering if anyone else had encountered this problem or had any small tips other than Kenner's on making it smooth and seamless.
Cheers if you can help,
However i have one slight problem, when i do the move its all dandy apart each time i shift the card up the deck, for some reason that i have not ascertained yet, the left hand edge of the card sticking out slides a bit out of the pack towards my left thumb.
I found it a really easy tutorial and certainly an effective trick but i was wondering if anyone else had encountered this problem or had any small tips other than Kenner's on making it smooth and seamless.
Cheers if you can help,