Classic Pass...Rusty

Jan 26, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Overall, it was pretty good, esp. concidering you havn't been doing magic for a while, but here's a few tips:

First of all, relax, your have a lot of tension in your hands. Your fan was fine, and will look smoother with repetative practice and relaxion. Your pass is actually very good, nothing to really comment on. The all around square-up is fine, though I find that it becomes an unecessary habit that some magicians fall into, so whatch out. After that, it needs a little work: The dribble was ok, but would look better if you work on releasing the pressure evenly; also, just a thought, I'd combine the dribble with the card turnover, basically, don't really pause, as soon as you feel you have one card, release the pressure from your thumb. Additionally, while you are displaying the face up card, you can do a get ready for the DL so that it will be less obvious (granted, as a magician i'm far more likely to spot one than a layman). Last, the shapeshifter looked heavy handed but that could have more to do with video quality than reality.
Sep 3, 2007
The main problem I saw was the video quality. With low fps the camera/software will tend to cut out frames and not give us the whole picture. Especially during the quicker movements.

The fan at the beginning... maybe could be used to display that all cards are different. Otherwise it seems out of place. As does the all around square-up. These kind of things scream "look how good I can handle the deck." It gets people thinking on the wrong track, unless that's what you're going for.

Video quality aside, I didn't see the pass and that's the most important thing regarding the move. It is a non-move after all.
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