Classics of Magic

Jun 3, 2015
Lake District, UK
Excluding card tricks and mentalism, what do you consider to be classic magic tricks that (at least most of) the general public are aware of? It can be close up, can be big illusions, anything really except card tricks and mentalism. A few examples from my list would include vanishing an elephant, sawing a lady in half, linking rings, cups and balls, metamorphosis and various escapes such as the Chinese water torture cell, etc.

Any input is greatly appreciated.



Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
My list of the parlor magic classics would include linking rings, billiard balls, miser's dream, coins across or maybe Scotch and Soda, sponge balls, bill in lemon, cups and balls, zombie ball, professor's nightmare, 21st Century Silks or silk blendo and egg bag. If I went though my magic closet I would probably find a couple of others in there.
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