Clipshift from the center of the deck

Thats the elmsley one handed center steal with a clipshift replacement.


That may be true but then couldnt you just call a clipshift an elmsley side steal with 1 hand replacemnet?

And If you watch close I actuall do like a half of a regular side steal and then go into the clipshift with the card already half way out.

anyway thanks everyone for the insight.

why not just clipshift before the deck is closed? makes more sense, and doing that move is a waste of time. its bad looking, harder than it should be. just do the clipshift first then put the deck and square it up. making this "version" and other versions from other moves to make it less practical and harder and nothing good, is stupid.
Yea i'll give a little credit that you worked on an idea, but its not helpfull or usefull in any situation.
Jul 8, 2008
Jupiter said:
I'd love to see what Elmsleys One Handed Centre Sidesteal looked like. I doubt there are many people alive today who have seen it done.

If you can do a clipshift you can do the above slight with a little practice, the original palm used is a bit unnatural though. Elmsly addmitted that he saw him self as a creator rather then a performer.

UnknownMagician93 said:
That may be true but then couldnt you just call a clipshift an elmsley side steal with 1 hand replacemnet?

And If you watch close I actuall do like a half of a regular side steal and then go into the clipshift with the card already half way out.

There are differences between the clipshift and an elmsly one hand steal, Chad Nelson did his homework. If the slights were the same then the DVD would be called Surfaced feauturing the one handed side steal.

That what is described in the collected works of alex elmsly volume one, there is no break just a side jogged card.

tally-ho said:
Question; what advantage does this have over a regular clipshift? It seems much more unnatural in appearance and seems like a lot of unnecassary and difficult work.

A delayed control from anywhere in the deck. A one handed palm from anywhere in the deck. When first saw the explanation behind the clipshift I felt the same way.

I agree of its bad applications, like you said, but the move itself does have potiential with practice.

Jun 22, 2009
Thats true. I have no intention of actually using this because it is difficult as you say. It's just something I've been working on lately because I dont have much else to practice.


Wait... didn't you make a thread about seeing improvement on flourishes and how you feel you dont see any?? Why are you not practicing on something thats already strong and known vs. making alterations to something thats good on its own.
Jun 7, 2009
On the subject of the Clipshift I have always felt like is was misused as a Color Change. As a control, its current incarnation is deadly, but a color change I prefer this...


It just seems more magical.

Then why don't you try performing? Also, you still need to work on your clipshift and you should already have more than enough material to practice?

I perform alot actually. I go to this camp type thing and usually perform around 3 hours a day.

What is wrong with my clip****? I'm jw so I can make the necessary improvements.
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