Clipshift Question

Nov 12, 2008
I just had a quick question. I have a good clipshift, but the prob. is the sound. My hands are very small (not to give excuses) and I was wondering if this is what was hindering the sound on the clipshift. I am basically asking is the sound because i have small hands or because i haven't just practiced enough?

Oct 9, 2008
I just had a quick question. I have a good clipshift, but the prob. is the sound. My hands are very small (not to give excuses) and I was wondering if this is what was hindering the sound on the clipshift. I am basically asking is the sound because i have small hands or because i haven't just practiced enough?


most lickly just noth enough practice just watch the dvd over and practice i hate using that word...anyway but yea dude
Aug 10, 2008
In a rock concert
I just had a quick question. I have a good clipshift, but the prob. is the sound. My hands are very small (not to give excuses) and I was wondering if this is what was hindering the sound on the clipshift. I am basically asking is the sound because i have small hands or because i haven't just practiced enough?


when doing the move try to separate your fingers as far as you can from the deck, you know what I mean by this ;)
Mar 18, 2009
i agree with tumbleweed. you use the clipshift in everyone of your videos, and it is never good. and plus, you don't even have the dvd, you found it on youtube. so i don't know how your going to fix it.
Aug 21, 2008
hey, i also have small hands and this is how i improved the sound:
1. bring pinky and ring finder closer to middle when executing the move
2.dont clip so tightly
3.towards end of the move, seperate fingers farther to pull card farther from middle finger.
this should help

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