
Oct 22, 2008
dude no offense but u need a fair amount of practice. It needs to be so much more silent to the point where they kant hear anything even in a silent room and give it a little more intense of a shake. Because as you did the replacement or should i say finish it you should not make it seem that obveous. Just some advice from my first view.

Jul 14, 2008
Wow, not bad for a 1 or 2 months, however, I agreed with jake the snake magic. Clip shift takes a large amount of time to perform silently. I, have been performing clip shift at least about 8 months now and is not near perfect yet. I suggest you to keep practising it.

Deleted member 2755

Wow, not bad for a 1 or 2 months, however, I agreed with jake the snake magic. Clip shift takes a large amount of time to perform silently.

Agreed. You're FAST. I've been practicing for about that time and my Clip Shift is not that fast at all. Good job on speed. Now you need to work on sound. It should be that fast and SILENT. :)

Sep 20, 2008
thanks alot everyone for ur constructive critism but like sometimes i do it rlly silent and sometimes loud thats my only prob but thanks anyway
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