Coin Ditching

Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
that looked REAAAAALLLL awkward, no offense. Honestly, i think to much emphasis is put on "ditching" a coin and ending clean. If you learn to palm in a way that looks natural you can end a coin effect anytime and no one cares. People are so worried about ending clean that the sacrifice the effect and the ending. Just end in ramsey subtlety or a classic palm and then ditch the coin later after you've moved on and their is no heat whatsoever.

buuutt... that didn't really answer your question. Well my preferred ditches are
-if using a shimmed coin then use my magnet out
-often times on a offbeat i'll slip a coin under my watch and bam clean.
-sleeving is always a nice talent to have
-i also love Shoot Ogawa's breast pocket ditch
-If your gonna do the ditch you just did i would recommend turning your body much more as if your gonna lean across a table to grab the coin out of thin air and ditch it to a back pocket not a side pocket. Shields much better
-A neck ditch can work in some situations. especially if you have conditioned the audience to expect a re-appearance from the elbow
-Lapping if you are seated works
-Look into Eric Jones work, he has a great little..i guess i'll call it utility device that makes ditching sooooo UBER clean
-finally, ive only tried this once or twice but i lucked out both times and it Killed. Ditch it somewhere completely ballsy. I once used coin on shoulder as a ditch not an effect and came back for the coin almost 3 minutes later. Couldn't believe i got away with it. Sometimes applying the same concept as card under glass with a coin and something else works too. But again these are HIGHLY situational, and ballsy and dont always work... in fact they rarely do. but still fun to play around with.

now im waiting for scottbaird to come and blow my idea's out of the water
Sep 26, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
I only know one coin ditch and basically it is a complete vanish and the coin is ditched in the breast pocket

That was some useful advice there.

To the OP. The idea with coin ditches is, you either do it way ahead of schedule, to be one up on your spectator, or after the reveal/effect, to use audience reaction as misdirection. I like how you were trying to be smooth with your actions, but since the timing of the ditch was at the same time as the reveal (or should I see reveal of nothing) in your hand, you are performing an unnatural hand movement with a natural one. Your retention vanish seemed decent, and your classic palm/and or finger palm looks fine, so might as well keep it there and point to your open hand where the coin has apparently vanished, maybe do a wipe away vanish, and then ditch as the audience reacts.

For another idea, since one coin routines usually are used to flow into another trick or series of effects, you can ditch the coin while going into your pocket for a pen or deck of cards, or while pretending to search for the pen that you already placed on the table.

Use real actions as cover actions for the dirty work. Don't create dirty actions for the sake of doing something dirty. What I mean is, don't go to your pocket only to ditch the coin unless you have sufficient misdirection.
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