Coin magic

Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
well i need help from you guys. i was at my local magic shop the other day and i asked them what was some hard hitting coin magic that they would recomend. they didnt give me an answer the first 3 or 4 times i asked then when i asked again the guy smarted off to me and said what are stuck on coin magic or something? you need to learn to expand what you do. i told him thats what im doing that i dont know hardly any coin tricks and he still didnt answer me.

so im asking you guys, what is some good visual hard hitting coin magic?
i was actually looking at lethal tender or some jumbo coin stuff. what are your thoughts on those 2 and again what is some good hard hitting visual coin magic that you would recomend?

Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
i have bobos and i am getting in the beginning there were coins for christmas. but i want to go beyond that. maybe tryout some gaffs or gimmicks. i do have scotch and soda
Dec 16, 2007
i would reccomend getting yourself a good quality expanded shell, and L&L's worlds greatest expanded shell magic dvd. All the routines on that dvd are top notch, and visually very strong without being too difficult.
Dec 2, 2007
so im asking you guys, what is some good visual hard hitting coin magic?
i was actually looking at lethal tender or some jumbo coin stuff. what are your thoughts on those 2 and again what is some good hard hitting visual coin magic that you would recomend?

I would say this depends on what I would call the time / money trade off. To explain what I mean, let's look at both extremes.

If you have tons of time, but little spare money then using non-gaffed coins are the least expensive way to go. Skill takes time to acquire and when learning from books it often happens that you lean things differently than what the author intended. This can sometimes be a VERY good thing as you will have unknowing created something new that is unique to you. An example of this (even though it is a card trick rather than a coin trick) is Apollo Robbin's "Changing TeBe". He learned the "TeBe Change" from Ross Bertram's book "Bertram on Sleight of Hand" however he didn't read closely enough and ended up learning it "wrong". To make it right he did tons of mirror work and had to change a few other things (angle palm rather than tenkai palm, a different orientation of the cards, etc.) to make the change effective. Later on he found out that he had made a small error and the end result was invention. I can't tell you how many variations of Chris Kenner's Sybil cut I've seen. I blame this on the fact that at a very critical point in learning that cut, you have to turn the page in the book. ( a trained seal, using your nose! ...since your hand are full of blocks of cards in somewhat awkward positions...) Chris did you do that on purpose? :D

If you have tons of money, but little spare time then gaffed coins are the way to go. You can pickup something like Lethal Tender (which I use to perform in restaurants back in the day) and get a VERY strong reaction which doesn't require a lot of technical skill. Scotch and soda also can be performed many different ways (though the reset isn't quite restaurant friendly if you are table hopping) and there are lots of things you can do with a hopping half set. There are tons of other gaffed coins that I'm sure the guys at the magic shop would be happy to sell you.

Most of us fall somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. We have some money and some time. Often people pickup some coin gaffs first for the quick payoff of being able to put a coin routine or two into our act. DVDs make it easier to "see" what the effect is suppose to look like; however they usually way fewer effects on them (often with less advise on variations) than what you would find in a book. Since you are copying what you see, there is less chance for a fortuitous error to creep in, so people often end up doing it correctly, but not uniquely. ;)

I hope my words help,

Jul 19, 2008
well i need help from you guys. i was at my local magic shop the other day and i asked them what was some hard hitting coin magic that they would recomend. they didnt give me an answer the first 3 or 4 times i asked then when i asked again the guy smarted off to me and said what are stuck on coin magic or something? you need to learn to expand what you do. i told him thats what im doing that i dont know hardly any coin tricks and he still didnt answer me.

so im asking you guys, what is some good visual hard hitting coin magic?
i was actually looking at lethal tender or some jumbo coin stuff. what are your thoughts on those 2 and again what is some good hard hitting visual coin magic that you would recomend?


If you're looking for some very cool coin stuff that's pretty reasonable in price too, check out "Attack of the Bag" by Craig Petty. The coin bag is a very old tool that Mr. Petty has brought into the new millenium. The DVD will give you a number of wicked routines, and best of all the bag(s) is included with the DVD. My personal favourite? "Money In The Bag." The coin bag is a utility device that's greatly overlooked by magicians. The website is .

"Michael Ammar doesn't need to do a complete coin vanish. No one would dare say, 'Show me your other hand.'"
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