Coin Move?

Nov 1, 2008
This is the Ramsay subtlety - finger palmed coin, hand palm down. The fingers are generally holding on to something, another coin, etc and in effect you are displaying a very convincing open palm to the audience albeit with a coin concealed behind the curled fingers.
May 24, 2008
You are referring to the backpalm... trying to get into the foundations section on coinvanish?

Deleted member 2755

Oh..I know the name of this move, with the picture - it's called exposure. Nice.

Just deleted.

Guys, there is not a single coin effect in my repertoire so I'm not familiar with any sleights with coins. Well I don't know the exact mechanics, but I now know how coins can be palmed on the back of your hand... I'm a layman when it comes to coin magic, but I now know a secret because of exposure.

The report post button is always there. :) Use it. For the sake of both our art and community. Thanks guys.

Mar 29, 2008
Thanks Doug - I will use that button more - for some reason I feel like we are mature and intelligent enough to govern ourselves - but I am proven wrong often.

Please PM me if you have more questions on coins, I am willing to share - just not in open forum.
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