Coin Under Watch

Sep 3, 2007
I learned it.

Having trouble with the loads. They're either slipping out or the specs are feeling them.

Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
couple tips. Always give the coin your loading a very firm squeeze for a few seconds before loading it. This will even the temperature of the coin closer to that of your and theirs skin. A cold coin is going to attract attention but if its at a more even temp its not as noticiable. Also, if you wear a ring they often times attribute any texture difference to that. Also, to insure the load is solid, give their wrist a little pull while asking them to step forward a little. THis allows a logical reason to put a little extra force into loading the coin and also provides misdirection. good luck hope this helped
Sep 1, 2007
Curl your finger and slide it along the edge of the watch as you let go of their arm. This "locks" it in place.

If youre getting caught on the load, it means your misdirection's off. It means they're focussing on exactly what they shouldnt be focussing on. You're doing something wrong, most likely a timing issue.

I would advise you look up James Brown and check out his lecture. He'll teach you some great stuff about not only the coin under watch, but misdirection as a whole.

Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
-Keep the coin in your pocket, and ALWAYS check if it's warm BEFORE performing.
-Squeeze their wrist slightly, to make them temporarily lose sensitivity so they don't feel the coin.
-Be sure you have ample misdirection when doing the load.
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
I was recently asked advice on this subject via PM. Here's what I came back with.

'Instead of waving the hand about, try this;
At the moment immediately before the load happens, start moving the spectator, guiding her towards a more clear area, so the audience/group of spectators can see the action. Of course, the actual reason is so that they are less likely to feel the load. So the load happens while they are moving. Very strong misdirection.
Or to get the load out of the way even earlier, as you grab her hand to raise it up, load it as you raise the hand. This is also very good.'

'What you wanna do is to make contact before the loads, yes. And if you have walking space, load as you are leading them to a clearer area, apparently for better visibility for the other specs. *Big motion hides small motion* y'know?

RE: your shuttle pass. The secret is to keep it casual, while still making it quite clear whats going on, and where the coin/bill is supposed to be. I say

'Okay, so will you do me a favour? I'm going to take your coin (Shuttle pass), and your hand (Take specs hand), and all you have to do is watch very closely, and tell me if you can feel this (Load)... So you can actually feel the bill vanish right?!'

We then obviously go into the vanish :)'

Hope this helps!

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