Coinone and Cointwo

i just ordered the dvd set and i have a couple of questions: long are each dvds.

2.which routine is best. (your opinion)

3. i am just curious but how good is his shipping in america. (just curious)

thanks if you can help

1.Coinone is 32 mins, and CoinTwo is 84 minutes
2. personally i like coinone better
3.well the shipping to Canada took about 1-2 weeks sooo less than that for in the US probabaly
Mar 25, 2008
I agree. I enjoyed Coin One more, but Coin Two is a great routine as well. I don't perform Coin Two exactly as taught, but I have adapted it into a fun stand up coin routine that fits me perfectly. Personally, I think that it's worth the DVD's just to get a glimpse into the creative process and nuanced thinking that Homer puts into his effects.

Shipping was very fast. I ordered on a monday and received it by the end of the week.


theory11 moderator
I love both routines, I don't perform that much coin stuff outside of bends, but I have been known to slip coinone into a routine here and there - It's a great routine.

Once you get cointwo down though, it looks like cam trickery,

"Look, this time you'll see it go"
*Throws coin across in full view*
"It hasn't gone yet!"

*Explosion of many a brain*

It's killer.

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