Cold reading

May 6, 2013

First I would like to ask why cant i register on Magic cafe. I type in my gmail and it says it won't create my account... I would really appreciate if someone could explain that to me.

Okay now the real question. I have been dealing with mentalism for the past few months and obviously have came accross the words "cold reading", "palmistry", "tarot", "reading systems"...

Now the last thing I read about this was yestrday and it essentially said that COLD READING and READING SYSTEMS are two different things. I thought it the same thing, just a different name.
So if someone could explain that to me it would be great.

Now next thing i really don't get are SYSTEMS.
As far as I know, a system is just that a system in which i easly memorize what i have to say about one thing. For example i say "blablabla" about that line on the hand or I say "blohbloh" about that tarot card etc...
But when i read about this stuff on different forums some people are saying. For TAROT this system is best, for ZODIAC this one is best, for PALMS this one...
I always thought that no matter which system I take, and use it on some one, at least 70% of thing will hit.

So what I dont understand, why cant I take the system created by X person for the TAROT and use it for lets playing cards or zodiac or palms or whatever.
Isnt system just a script that I say to the person I am reading, and he should, most of time, confirm that I am correct? Isnt system just a script, and parts of that script are tied to different objects, (that line, that tarot card etc.) so that you can memorize the script more easily?
Why arent people saying things like "hey that systems has the best script it hits almost all of the time" instead of "that system is the best for tarot and that script is the best for horoscope"?

Isnt the things you say whats important, and not the oracle?
And how are stock lines different and (as some say) worse than systems? Arent systems just stock lines tied to different objects (eg tarot cards) so that you can recall them more easily?

These things have really been bothering me. And I have not yet seen a good explanation. I hope that some of you have the knowledge and will to explain them to me, I would really appreciate that.

I know i typed a long post, but I dont know how else to explain what is botheting me.

Thank you a lot in advance.
Jun 12, 2016
Okay, so mentalism is not my area of expertise , so I cannot help you there, but I do know about the Café.
The Magic Café doesn't accept any free email services (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Outlook, etc.) If you want to register, you need a paid email account.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
To understand Cold Reading, check out Craig Browning's Introduction to Cold Reading. Google it, its FREE. Also, check out Craig's Introduction to Mentalism -- also FREE. Craig is one of the most knowledgable mentalists around.

The best way to explain the need for specific systems for different oracles (tarrot, palm, etc.) is that the cues are different. You need to be able to perform for someone that is knowledgable about tarot or palm reading. That means knowing what the cards mean and knowing what the lines mean and then being able to transition from those meanings into the reading. The use of oracles provides a more varied readings based on the different meanings resulting in different paths. You just can't make stuff up, it has to be based on the actual cues the oracles provide.

Does that make sense?
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May 6, 2013
Huh, that does make sense yes. But if I study a book on palm reading for example... i should be able to use that words to also do a reading without palms right?

Thanks, I will check introduction to cold reading and mentalism. Thanks for that.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Cold reading is the act of creating a story from your impression from a person with no prior knowledge. Reading systems use a variety of cues and established meanings, or memorized lines, to give readings.

Read the books David mentioned and see if you still have questions.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
But if I study a book on palm reading for example... i should be able to use that words to also do a reading without palms right?.

Not really. There is a similarity inherent in all readings and a skill that is developed by practice that can apply to all readings, but each type of reading is different.

For an artist, painting with oils is very different that painting with water colors -- even though most people think that both are just painting.
Oct 14, 2016
I'm no expert but it seems cold readers usually need some kind device to attach their observations to. As an example, It's not a terrific cold read to say, "In general, I sense that you might really need to feel appreciated." It just seems like an observation from some dude. There's no illusion of science or mysticism.

------It would be better to attach the cold reading idea with a physical observation like a palm, some handwriting, tarot cards, or an observation about the time of year they were born.

"Hmmm, interesting handwriting. Some of your "flourishes"(Insert jargon) are extremely quirky and might indicate that you like to make people laugh. Regardless if you are a bit of clown , it definitely looks like you have a unique sense of humor. "

Really the idea is people want to carry proof of your observation.
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