I have cards the the NFL logo on the back and the teams on the front. The teams are all of the teams in the playoffs. We each take turns picking two teams that play each other and then eliminating the one that loses.
I do a routine that pits super heroes against each other and uses the PATEO force. My justification is that the best way to finish a show would be huge cage match with the most mighty heroes of all time. I introduced this into my act a couple years ago. It was very entertaining.
I usually make it a point after shows to talk to my audience. After about 10 performances of the effect I came to recognize a pattern. Most of the show was strong but the super hero effect was transparent. They would say things like, "The show was great but I think I figured you out." When I asked why they thought that they would mention the super hero trick and basically outline the method. This happened repeatedly.
In an audience of 12 year olds, obviously lacking the social skills of an older audience, they hollard out the solution before I even revealed my prediction. Maybe not the exact solution but they had the general idea in mind.
The worst was for a family show at a cafe. I performed my show and mingled with the audience after while they finished their food. At one table there was a family that called me over. Using utensils, salt shakers and sugar packets they performed the trick for me. Blow for blow. When I asked how they figured it out they responded by saying that it was just logic.
I decided to retire the routine after this. It was a tough routine to drop, it was very funny and I had a bunch of good lines. I had been performing it for a period of months and it's scale worked. It just never proved to be deceptive enough.
My feeling is that the effect didn't have enough distance from the method. When a lay audience imagines a possible solution for a routine like this my hunch is that they either think of probability or logic. Unfortunately, the method is just a logic puzzle and I can't seem to divorce the effect from the method. There aren't enough reasons to think that it is not a logic puzzle and I'm not sure how to separate it in the minds of my spectators.