Complete beginner:

Nov 10, 2007
I am a complete begginner in coin magic, I am torn between getting Coin One by Homer Liwag or Ponta the Smiths' Sick. Which one would you suggest?


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
I agree with the above posts. Sick will make you sick of coins if you are starting out because for one, it requires a LOT of time to practice one routine alone. I'm not talking about a few weeks, I'm talking about maybe from 6 months to however many years you work on it. It's advanced material you won't be able to get because he uses terms in the teaching you wouldn't know or haven't learned yet and will confuse you. CoinOne is still a little advanced because of the amount of practice it will hold for you. You will also need to fork up some money to buy the gimmick which is professionally crafted by Jamie Schoolcraft or you can get it cheaper from Tango or Roy Kueppers. Both are great DVDs, but not for you at this time. I DO recommend you check out JB Bobo's Modern Coin Magic, a FANTASTIC book that will get you in the right direction and will keep you educated throughout your journey in coins. It has helped me greatly and will benefit you highly. Please take these words of advice into high consideration; my thumbs hurt from replying to this on my iPod...haha. But it's worth it. :)

Casey Rudd


Apr 1, 2009
I agree with the two post above, Sick is realy to hard to start coin magic, furthermore there isn't any explanations for the technics, like the retention.

David roth set is a must and also David stone's 2 DvD on coin magic are realy good. I started with david stone first.

Coin one isn't a DvD who teaches you the basics of coin magic, it's only an explanation for a single coin routine.

I'm a bit upset because since ponta the smith's dvd is released I see some magician doing his routine. And even if they are able to do some pass which are difficult they don't even have good basic stuff. Like classic palm, retention vanish, classic vanish...
I think before going on hard routine every magician should work the basics a lot. It's like the DL in card magic, it ruins the whole trick if the magician has a bad DL.
You might want to think about working on some coin material you find in begginers books on general magic.

Magic for Dummies has a great coin routine that uses no slieght of hand, is very effective, and comes with a complete presentation. If I remember correctly this trick is/was a favorite of Johnny Thompson.

Also books like Mark Wilson's Encyclopedia of Magic or Joshua Jay's Complete Course in Magic both have begginer coin magic in them.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
In the beginning there was coin by Jay Noblezada, if you are looking for a DVD.
Trust us... SICK and Coin One is probably where you want to get at not where you want to start...


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
also I've heard it is fairly tough to learn routines in those DVD, but I don't know for sure since I haven't seen it myself. I guess it'll be some other peoples who've seen it will be able to elaborate more in detail.
May 6, 2009
I got sick by ponta the smith. But I am at the skill level it is still difficult because of the nature of the DVD, but I have my basics down.

I got homer liwags coin one because I needed to learn the flash production taught in tenkai pennies and coins across. Now I just need a shell. So expensive! I need to save up to buy one. Probably going to get a tango, if the coin is worn.

You can't go wrong with the 2 david stone coin magic DVDs. Absoultely stunning, tons of bonus features, and very visual magic. Go for it! But be sure to get Vol 1 first! It teaches the Basics. Vol 2 is too advanced for you right now.
Sep 27, 2007
Cenozoic, Oligocene
For a beginner... you picked two of the most advanced DVDs.


Unfortunately, as much as Ponta makes it look easy, I can tell you that his stuff is beyond your level.

If you cannot classic palm, finger palm, clip, muscle pass all of these moves like a bad habit, then I'm afraid that Ponta's DVD will make you hate coin magic.

Ponta assumes that you can do these moves like most advanced DVDs. By advanced, it assumes that you have the basics down pat, so no time is usually wasted in these DVD's to teach you the basics.

Coinone is also advanced. It is amazing, but at your level, you're better off getting the basics down then moving up the ladder.
By which I'm assuming you're a COMPLETE beginner.

Id' definitely recommend Bobo's.

Some other excellent DVD's are
David Roth's Expert Coin Magic Vol 1 (Roth is an excellent teacher and covers all the basics you need to succeed in coin magic)
In the Beginning there were Coins by Jay Noblezada (I enjoyed the routines, especially his Coins Across. If like "street" routines, then this DVD is fantastic.)
Keep in mind that by "street" I mean, no tables required. Not Criss Angel or David Blaine.

Ammar's Intro to Coin Magic is also a good choice as well, because it's Ammar, he's amazing.

Good luck. Take your time.
Sep 1, 2007
Going to echo the recommendation for Bobo's Modern Coin Magic. It's $10 on average and has 300 sleights and effects. You're not going to get a better deal. Take the left over 20 bucks you would have spent on a DVD and also get Mark Wilson's Complete Guide to Magic. There's a lot of good material on coins in there, as well as everything else.
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