Complete Copy?

Sep 10, 2008
I don't own Window, so I don't say this with any authority, but I highly doubt a magician like Jean Pierre Valerino would put out an effect with the exact same mechanics as another magician.


Jul 5, 2009
Longview, Texas
C'mon, it even has the tape on the card just like Window. I mean it looks exactly the same. I wouldn't have the gall to release something like that right after Window comes out.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Any reputable performer develops his/her own stuff which may be based on someone elses' work and too, many of us collaborate with one another in developing effects; I'm working on three such project right now, two of which deliberately show the evolution of an idea and the variations each contributor brings to the table.

As to Card on Window let me tell you a quick story...
Back in 81 (memory serving) I'd just completed a summer tour work for Ward Hall and doing Side Show dates and was on my way to San Francisco via Dallas, Texas with a stop in Las Vegas. One of the older casinos around in those days was the Marina... about 18+ story tall "Space Needle" looking place and former home of Hypnotist Pat Robertson and the Mickey Finn show.

Anyhow, I scheduled an meeting with their talent director and in the process, couldn't find the card he'd chosen... ticked, I threw the deck just past him and at the window behind him... I stood there dumbfounded and starring at the window as he and his cohorts reacted rather angerly until they noticed my expression and the fact that a single card was seen stuck to the glass... on the outside of the glass 18 some stories off the ground.

Such a bit required a huge amount of planning and carefully placed bribes, but it goes to show that the card on glass has been around for a lot longer than the current clamor would lead you to believe...
... oh, yes... I did end up doing a lot of work for that Casino :cool:
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Plenty of effects look exactly the same... but have different methods.
This definitely has a different method than window. It can be signed and the spectator takes the card off the glass. Though this may be so, I have an idea about the method and what i'm arriving at doesnt seem to impress me.
Either way, Im just saying. How many triumphs, card through windows, and coin in bottles have you seen?
Feb 17, 2010
Moscow, Russia
The methods ARE different, this was proved at magiccafe (the person who proved it had both effects). Also, it's obvious that methods are different, in this version you can sign the card, in Window you can not.
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