Confession of magicians

Aug 15, 2017
When I was 11, I had once performed the arm twist (the version where you clasp both ur hands), and done it so many times that everyone present there finally figured it out.
Also, I was smart enough to do the David Blaine-style arm twist without wearing a full-sleeved t-shirt.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I watched a YouTube reveal... once.

I really want to saw my wife in half.

I own more books than I can read in my lifetime but I want to buy more.

I lie to my audiences... a lot.

I like using a change bag with a handle that looks like it came from a magic shop.

I have boxes of magic effects that I will never perform.

I find most card tricks boring.

I bought a sponge ding dong trick because it was on sale.

Most of my performance material is nearly self working.

I have a hard time finding performance effects that aren’t developed by Jim Steinmeyer.

I purposefully pick attractive people in the audience to assist me.

My family says that I negatively critique every magic show I see. But I’ve seen at least two shows that I didn’t negatively critique.

I perform magic tricks for my dog.

I’ve performed the baffling bra trick for my in-laws.

I own 75 3D sponge bunnies.

I have 20 magic routines that are in the process of being developed and have been for at least two years.
Aug 15, 2017
I own more books than I can read in my lifetime but I want to buy more.
How true...when I leap up at the time of buying a new book ignoring the fact that I haven't finished reading the last...*sigh*
I purposefully pick attractive people
that seems like a confession all magicians should make. But really, is it even a confession? I thought it was pretty obvious how we choose volunteers...not really because they seem to have the 'vibes' around them...
Jan 25, 2018
Chatfield mn.
I have revealed many tricks such as card to pocket, false riffle shuffle, the cris cross force,the double left, and palming a card.
I have used magic to cheat at cards.
When I get mad at someone i want to tell them that I can make them disappear and not let them come back. ( OF COURSE NOT KILL THEM, JUST TO MAKE THEM THINK THAT I WANT THEM GO AWAY).
I have told some pretty bad magic jokes.
Most books I own are not even close to magic.
I also manly perform card magic.

Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
I've got a bunch from early high school when I was just getting back into magic (I can't remember too many atm) and quite a few from now...

- Jarek 1:20 kinda got me back into magic.
- I spent $180 on Vapr and never use it.
- I also have no problem with Rick Lax's facebook "psychic" videos.
- I'm not a huge fan of most people's performances of the linking rings
- I like the chop cup a lot more than the cups and balls.
- I'm sure a lot of people agree but I'd much prefer to watch an entertaining magician than one who's extremely technically skilled. I'd take an old trick with an entertaining magician than a super clean card control demonstration with a boring magician.
- I don't have a huge issue with magic that sorta only works for the camera. I do have an issue when the company tries to sell it like it's workable or when an Instagram magician fakes their audience's reaction.
- I have a huge amount of respect for Jeff McBride and love his material but I'm not a huge fan of his performance style.


Nov 29, 2017
I hate cups and balls it’s just never appealed to me.

I also dislike most rope tricks and I sometimes still watch YouTube magic for kicks.

I went to a magic show and in my head picked apart every little detail about his show.

I don’t understand why most of the classics still exist and prefer the new stuff

I once tried teaching a kid at my school magic

I have hated myself and my teaching ever since:(

Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
- I have more props than I know actual sleights or really anything. I have some books.

- I have spent a lot of time penciling a routine with the sponge ding-dong.

- I REALLY don’t like card magic (packet tricks are exemption). There’s a couple tricks that I find mechanically fascinating; but I tried learning Classic Pass and almost had an existential crisis.
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