Consistency :: Does It Matter?

Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
I was laying in bed, wide awake, last night as I usually do when I started to wonder about something.

I've heard from somewhere...even though I can't remember where. I remember hearing or reading that it was important to have some sort of consistancy with the types of tools that you use in magic, be it cards, coins or anything else that you can think of.

My question is, does anyone else remain true to this? Do you swear on only one certain type of cards or do you only work with silver dollars?

Why or why not?

Shane K.
Sep 1, 2007
hell no sir

consistency is the thing that will get you killed

your only going to use bikes? what if i throw some tallys at you

only using silver dollars? dont have any, here are some quarters. oh you cant perform anymore? what a lame magician.

i think if your going to be consistent in something, be it within your practice schedule

only practice the pass for a day
only practice body moment for coin work
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
hell no sir

consistency is the thing that will get you killed

your only going to use bikes? what if i throw some tallys at you

only using silver dollars? dont have any, here are some quarters. oh you cant perform anymore? what a lame magician.

i think if your going to be consistent in something, be it within your practice schedule

only practice the pass for a day
only practice body moment for coin work

You do pose a good point. Thanks for your input!

Do I have any other takers?

Let's here those opinions!

Shane K.
I tend to stick with a certain type of cards when performing. There's only on reason for that though. I only perform with regular blue/red backed bikes when doing street/close-up magic because people are more familiar with them. When it comes to coins, quarters are my main source, but I change it up every now and then.

Anthony Bass
I heard somewhere that a good magician is one who can do magic whenever, wherever he (or she) is. Magic is taking objects and doing the impossible with them, so only using bikes, or only using Liberty coins is pointless. It is like what Jay Noblezada said on In the Beginning There Were Coins, if you use these odd coins that no one has ever seen before, and you do magic with them and bend them, it just doesn't look as natural as borrowing their coin. I say use a variety of different things, the more you can do with a variety, the more you can do on a spur of the moment.
I heard somewhere that a good magician is one who can do magic whenever, wherever he (or she) is. Magic is taking objects and doing the impossible with them, so only using bikes, or only using Liberty coins is pointless. It is like what Jay Noblezada said on In the Beginning There Were Coins, if you use these odd coins that no one has ever seen before, and you do magic with them and bend them, it just doesn't look as natural as borrowing their coin. I say use a variety of different things, the more you can do with a variety, the more you can do on a spur of the moment.

I believe it was Geir Bratlie who said that in the beginning of the Infusion DVD, just so you know for future reference.

Sep 1, 2007
I really disagree! Some of the highest ranked magicians, Dan and Dave Buck, let's say, use a large variety of decks. To name a few, they use Tally-Ho, Absolut Vodka, Wynn, Bicycle, and a whole bunch more. For coins, yes, consistency is very important. Say the muscle pass. If you're doing a coin routine, you don't want to have to change coins for every other trick. The muscle pass can't be done well with quarters, so you would want to use some Kennedy half dollars. If you're doing tricks before it, you use Kennedy's because you don't want to have to change the coins you're using. Consistency could be important in routines, but in Street magic, you would usually do one or two tricks. Consistency can also be bad. If you always use Tally-Ho's, and someone shoves some Bikes at you, worn and all, you're screwed. It would seem impossible for you to do a fan because of the difference in quality. It could be very good if it were the other way around. You would think the Tally's are so good, you would wanna use them more often. Think about the laymen, or non-magi. Consistent for them is a plain pack of Bikes or Tally's. Using any custom deck would make them think you are using a trick deck. Overall, I think a little bit of consistency is important, as well as thinking about consistency for the spectators. If you are performing for magi, you would be able to use custom decks. Performing for laymen or non-magi, use Tally's or Bikes. You know the saying, Curiosity killed the cat, well too much consistency killed the cat too.
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Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
You all make some very valid points.

I can understand why consistency wouldn't neccessarily be needed when it comes to card handling, but it would probably make you or break you when it comes to coin work.

I've been wanting to switch from using half dollars to silver dollars myself ever I bought the 1-on-1 of 3fry. (Which is an awesome 3 coin vanish/reproduction for those of you that do not have it)

Well, thanks for all of your opinions and I hope to see more people put their two cents in.

Shane K.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
If you are referring to close-up consistency, I do not feel it is as important as stage. However, everything you can do to help them remember you... I myself use ONLY red backed jumbo index cards. (It's a preference and it keeps me from buying crap I don't need.)

If you can do magic with quarters, you can do it with anything larger.

In the entertainment business, it's all about name recognition. Many things enhance that. Same performing outfit. Same props. etc etc. It just depends. However, pulling out a red deck, then a blue for another effect is suspect.

Common sense is key. What does it unlock? Only you can find out.
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
If you are referring to close-up consistency, I do not feel it is as important as stage. However, everything you can do to help them remember you... I myself use ONLY red backed jumbo index cards. (It's a preference and it keeps me from buying crap I don't need.)

If you can do magic with quarters, you can do it with anything larger.

In the entertainment business, it's all about name recognition. Many things enhance that. Same performing outfit. Same props. etc etc. It just depends. However, pulling out a red deck, then a blue for another effect is suspect.

Common sense is key. What does it unlock? Only you can find out.

That is also a very good point.

Recognition is usually the big thing to think about here when it comes to consistency of certain products/tools. I mean, I know people who say that don't want to use anything but regular bikes, and then again, I've been around people that say that they wont use anything buy black decks.

I guess we just need to ask ourselves how we wont to be recognized.

Common sense is an amazing key to hold. I agree.

Shane K.
Sep 2, 2007
Magicians are not monkeys, and we are not required to perform with random objects that people should so happen to throw at us. If we were, I would have devised some pretty handy effects with ladies' undergarments by now.

Seriously, though, you don't have to perform just because somebody runs up to you with a pile of quarters or a sweaty, warped bike deck. You, as the performer, should choose when to perform, not let someone else choose for you. If you don't want to perform at that moment with the resources at hand, you don't have to.
Nov 2, 2007
consistency while performing is important. if you keep changing deck for non obvious reasons people will start accusing you for rigged decks.(and they probably are too)
Oct 12, 2007
Orlando Fl
I only use red or blue bikes, but would love to use some tallys or ghosts, the problem is I don't see the point of spending almost $5 for a deck of cards (shipping not included), when I can get some bikes in like 12 pack box for about $14
I tend to probably lean more towards red/blue bikes. It doesn't bother me to use black, green, yellow or whatever I will make magic with whatever is in my hand. Whether it's with candy or a beverage nap I will just pick it up and use my training to perform something random. I think limiting yourself is an oxymoron in magic.

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
There's nothing wrong with having a preference in the term of cards, coins, or anything for that matter, it isn't good to use only Tally Ho's, or only Silver Dollars. I myself prefer to use Guardians when performing, and regular Bikes when practicing, but does that mean if someone came up to me and handed me a deck of Studs I'd be screwed? Of course not! But just beacuse I use Guardians more than I use Bee's doesn't mean that I should never use Bee's and only use Guardians.
You guys get my drift?
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
Awesome input guys! I really appreciate all of the responses I've been getting with this thread.

I understand what you were saying StreetMage. I agree that we aren't exactly monkeys, per say, but then again...we are going to run into instances from time to time that we want to perform when we don't have anything on us. However, I suppose that it's up the performer to choose weither it's a smart idea to perform with something he's not used to.

Shane K.
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