I hang out in this room at school, and there is a little crack in the ceiling. Anyway, I mess around with cards a lot and drop them and whatnot, anyway someone put a 6 of spades up there so it was just peeking out. Prolly one I dropped. I didn't think much of it for a month or two.
So a friend comes into the room a few weeks ago to chill out and I think why the hell not, and force the six of spades. I have it replaced, then riffle the deck towards the ceiling and tell him to look up.
He was yelling and screaming "What THE F**K!??!? WHAT THE F***KK?!!!" Then I gave him the deck and told him the 6 of spades was missing and the reaction went on for like, 10 minutes, non stop screaming and cussing and confusion, it was insane. I wasn't expecting a reaction that big. =]