Creating a Gimmick

Oct 6, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
So I had been thinking about a trick for awhile and I guess thought of how I would do it and it might be how everyone would do it, I am not sure. But it involved gluing 2 cards together. My question or concern was should I be splitting 1 of the cards to make it slimmer so that a spectator could examine said card when I am done? Also I was using rubber cement and was wondering if there was any input on that? I didn't want to discuss the trick I was doing because I didn't know if saying it along with the gimmick would break the forum rules.
Any help is appreciated!


Elite Member
Jul 15, 2013
If splitting is your goal, I recommend checking out Blake Vogts Split Session V.2. It's only a few bucks and it really helped my gimmick construction. And rubber cement is the probably the best way to go, since it sticks to itself and easy to clean up after.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
If the spectator needs to examine the card, then make it as close to a normal card as possible. But do they really need to examine it?
Oct 6, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
If the spectator needs to examine the card, then make it as close to a normal card as possible. But do they really need to examine it?

I wouldn't say they NEED to examine it but I think it improves it. I tried it out with just 2 cards together and it LOOKS just fine but if someone were to touch the card I think they would immediately realize its 2 cards together because of the thickness and weight.
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