I'm in the process of writing a new show. In another forum I frequent, we often put this process up for members to see/chat about. It's one of my favorite parts of that group, and I thought I'd try it out here.
Some notes -
This will be long. If it gets a decent response, I'll continue posting as I develop the show.
This is not "The Way" to make shows. This is my way. I pretty much follow this process every time I write a new show. If it helps any of you, great. If it doesn't, oh well.
This is the process I go through to create parlor/stage shows I intend to perform for money. That is my ultimate goal - to create a parlor/stage show that I use to make money. The process can be applied to any show, but that's my specific motivation and that will influence some of my choices.
I will not be detailing presentations. There will be references to commercial routines, but I assure you, I don't use them as taught when purchased. My presentations are very personal to me, and I am not keen to share them at this time.
That being said, I will otherwise be as detailed as possible in the process. Putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak.
THAT being said - please don't steal my material. Some of the scripting is in images and such - this is out of my professional repertoire. I'm sharing it because I think it will help. Don't make me regret that decision.
So! First step: Concept.
I always start with the concept - the over arching theme of the whole show. This one is: Abraxas. Abraxas is the name of a Mesopotamian god of creation. It's theorized that this could be the origin of the word "Abracadabra", which translates (by some theories) to "I create as I speak". I like this concept. I have wanted to create a show based around words and speech for years due to reading this tidbit.
So I know what my concept is. Words, symbols. What can we do with that concept?
Second step: Time.
This is meant to be a cabaret show, mainly. Which means 45-60 minutes (mostly 45). A 60 minute show works well on its own, a 45 minute show works well as the headline to a variety night. Many bars and similar venues want to book 45 minute shows. So I'm aiming to make this a show I can do for either 45 minutes, or 60. Preferably without changing the material.
How do I do that? Optional interval. Something I learned when performing at bars is that while I can easily keep people's attention for 60 minutes, people who have drinking have a 30 minute bladder. Offer an interval (intermission) at 30 minutes in, and your 45 minute show becomes 60 minutes.
Third step: Material.
This is where the rubber hits the road, so to speak.
I am a bizarre performer, with a strong mentalist flavor. So the first thing I do, is brain dump routines that even vaguely fit the concept above. I am very loosey goosey with this. Whatever pops in my head generally ends up on paper. I then go through and narrow it down from that initial list. It looks like this:
Some notes -
This will be long. If it gets a decent response, I'll continue posting as I develop the show.
This is not "The Way" to make shows. This is my way. I pretty much follow this process every time I write a new show. If it helps any of you, great. If it doesn't, oh well.
This is the process I go through to create parlor/stage shows I intend to perform for money. That is my ultimate goal - to create a parlor/stage show that I use to make money. The process can be applied to any show, but that's my specific motivation and that will influence some of my choices.
I will not be detailing presentations. There will be references to commercial routines, but I assure you, I don't use them as taught when purchased. My presentations are very personal to me, and I am not keen to share them at this time.
That being said, I will otherwise be as detailed as possible in the process. Putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak.
THAT being said - please don't steal my material. Some of the scripting is in images and such - this is out of my professional repertoire. I'm sharing it because I think it will help. Don't make me regret that decision.
So! First step: Concept.
I always start with the concept - the over arching theme of the whole show. This one is: Abraxas. Abraxas is the name of a Mesopotamian god of creation. It's theorized that this could be the origin of the word "Abracadabra", which translates (by some theories) to "I create as I speak". I like this concept. I have wanted to create a show based around words and speech for years due to reading this tidbit.
So I know what my concept is. Words, symbols. What can we do with that concept?
Second step: Time.
This is meant to be a cabaret show, mainly. Which means 45-60 minutes (mostly 45). A 60 minute show works well on its own, a 45 minute show works well as the headline to a variety night. Many bars and similar venues want to book 45 minute shows. So I'm aiming to make this a show I can do for either 45 minutes, or 60. Preferably without changing the material.
How do I do that? Optional interval. Something I learned when performing at bars is that while I can easily keep people's attention for 60 minutes, people who have drinking have a 30 minute bladder. Offer an interval (intermission) at 30 minutes in, and your 45 minute show becomes 60 minutes.
Third step: Material.
This is where the rubber hits the road, so to speak.
I am a bizarre performer, with a strong mentalist flavor. So the first thing I do, is brain dump routines that even vaguely fit the concept above. I am very loosey goosey with this. Whatever pops in my head generally ends up on paper. I then go through and narrow it down from that initial list. It looks like this: