Cringe Magic22 V.S. Ace to Z-Magic!

Oct 28, 2007
these videos were pretty good and better then most other battles i have seen.

cringe i watched your first so i'll comment on it first
first i have to say you had some really good pictures of those split spades in there, and you had a lot of magic packed into it.
but i did find it weird the way you were holding the distortion gimmick, it seemed un-natural and you flashed pretty bad at 1:48 make sure to look at for those next time. and the title at the begining of the video was kind of cheezy.

Zach your video was alright but it seemed too long for me, it just kind of lingered on and it felt like i wasn't seeing much magic. you had fragments of things in it but cringe seemed to have a lot more and it was 2 minutes shorter, remember this was a montage.

i like how you kinda edited it with the years passing by and stuff but in the rules it says you are free to edit and i don't think either of you took that to it's full potential i love videography and i enjoy watching nicely edited videos. so next time you should really take advantage of this and make a hell of a video(directed towards both of you)

aestetics, editing and quality of the video is what i always look for first hence the reasons why i love the bucks videos.

ps it is nice to see that you guys have the balls to actually preform for people unlike a lot of these people on the battle systems
Sep 15, 2007
these videos were pretty good and better then most other battles i have seen.

cringe i watched your first so i'll comment on it first
first i have to say you had some really good pictures of those split spades in there, and you had a lot of magic packed into it.
but i did find it weird the way you were holding the distortion gimmick, it seemed un-natural and you flashed pretty bad at 1:48 make sure to look at for those next time. and the title at the begining of the video was kind of cheezy.

Zach your video was alright but it seemed too long for me, it just kind of lingered on and it felt like i wasn't seeing much magic. you had fragments of things in it but cringe seemed to have a lot more and it was 2 minutes shorter, remember this was a montage.

i like how you kinda edited it with the years passing by and stuff but in the rules it says you are free to edit and i don't think either of you took that to it's full potential i love videography and i enjoy watching nicely edited videos. so next time you should really take advantage of this and make a hell of a video(directed towards both of you)

aestetics, editing and quality of the video is what i always look for first hence the reasons why i love the bucks videos.

ps it is nice to see that you guys have the balls to actually preform for people unlike a lot of these people on the battle systems

Thank for the insight. i enjoyed readin your post
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